
Active Member
Attended my first pancake breakfast flying in my own RV-12 N470MB into Gettysburg Regional Airport W05 1-June-2013. Followed my friends Dave in an RV-12 and Scott in an RV-8 from Heritage Field KPTW. Wheels up at 0730. It was a hot and hazy day, my oil temp hit the yellow for a short period while climbing out and trying to catch up to the others. It was surprising how many aircraft came to Gettysburg that morning. You can see in the video there were at times many aircraft in the pattern landing. Some had to wait at the end of the runway for the others to land before taxing to the event. Breakfast was great, but flying to the event was even better. Expect to be attending many more of these this year. We departed in a gaggle of 6 six aircraft one behind the other I was last in the group and had a great view of all the aircraft departing.
Link to pics from event, in flight photos, video of aircraft landing and static displays





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Daryll and Darryl

Glad to hear you are out and about, still keeping very questionable company I see!
Great to have another RV12 to flying in PA

Mark it was a long time coming that both of us could fly to an event in our 12’s. Glad you could make it and sorry Farmer couldn't join us. If he would have been there, Mark you would have had better company. :rolleyes:

Thanks for the in air photo's of my plane. Here are a few iPhone pics I took of you coming in to W05 and one of you turning away on our way back to KPTW.
mark 060113-1.jpg

mark 060113-4.jpg

mark 060113-3.jpg

mark 060113-2.jpg


Does anyone know of a list of all the pancake breakfasts in the US?

Loopfuzz try these sites for fly-ins, they both have web sites and also iPhone apps. They will also email you events based on your set up. and

I think this is what you are looking for, beside the VAF and the EAA calendar of events
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