
Well Known Member
Hey guys-

We just picked up a set of Vans Recovery pants and are unsure how best to paint them..

We have been thinking:

Solid White...
White and red..
White and silver checkerboard?
Solid Red?

We are pretty tossed.. Cannot come to a decision.. Does anyone have any suggestions? :D

Here is our plane:

Just like your RV paint job

Hey guys-

We just picked up a set of Vans Recovery pants and are unsure how best to paint them..

We have been thinking:

Solid White...
White and red..
White and silver checkerboard?
Solid Red?

Does anyone have any suggestions? :D

I think it would look very nice if you used the same paint theme that you used on the RV, Red on top, white/blue/red stripe and white on the bottom etc.

Something you can do is paint them white, then tape them up with red and blue masking tape and see if ya like it before painting.

I'm sure however you do them it will look very nice.

It might be an optical illusion, but it looks like the present stripes on the wheel pants are not parallel with the stripes on the fuselage, or maybe they are parallel when it's sitting on the ground, or I'm looking at the picture crooked.

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1 Solid White...yes
2 White and red...yes
3 White and silver checkerboard?
4 Solid Red?...yes

I've seen One & Four, they both look very nice. All red really looks good and sets off the plane. White is going to look nice, simpler and be more low key.

Two is classic echo of major theme. You'll have to buy two paint colors.

Three, seems to be overkill or ineffective, but hey its all a matter of taste. Silver and white is low contrast; together it might get lost. How big are those checkers? To get enough on the relatively small wheel pants, they'll be small, only visible from a few feet away.

It could be just the photo, the red seems a little dull? (sorry no offense) Consider shooting the red again, since you will have to buy red any way. You could bring the red color back & match perfectly with the all red wheel pants, if you go that way. Of course that's a lot of work.
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My preference...

Wheel pants have a tendency to take a lot of abuse.

This results in occasional fiberglass repair and the resultant paint touch ups or total repaint. For this reason I lean towards solid colors (any color that looks good with the airplane) or solid color with very simple accent striping.

Makes repairs a lot quicker and easier to do.
Hey guys-

Thanks for the opinions..

The red is not that dull, just appears that way in the picture.. :)

I think we may just go with solid red.. Depending on whether or not we repaint the entire bird..
Well guys..

I think this is what we are going to do to her..

Forgive my very limited photoshop skills..
