
Today was a special day for me, since my RV-8 started to get painted. This is a really big milestone in this project. A few pictures are included.

Here Im doing prep. Sanding the aluminum lightly:


Next all openings gets covered, not to get paint the wrong places:


Now dustfree, degreased and all ready to get primed in paint booth:


A layer of primer by a professional painter:


After a few hours top coat is sprayed:


All done with white base color, next week is the colors on top:

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more painting

Control surfaces gets painted with same treatment as rest of the aluminum, sand light, clean, primer and topcoat:


Fiberglass needs lots of preparation to look nice when painted with high gloss paint. Filler then sanding and more sanding again:



Some finished fiberglass parts:




a few more pics

We have started on the overlay colors. Going by my design it will be kept fairly simple. Here the painter is doing some masking on the vertical stab:


Here we are done with most of it:


Here Im removing elevator and rudder after masking -carefull not to scratch the new paint. Its far best to have parts fitted to the plane otherwise it might not line up when assembled after paint:


Then covering so not to get paint on other parts. One color at a time:


By the way here is my design. I came to this design basicly by getting ideas from other RVs - then played abit with the computer:

It's very exciting to see the paint going on. Congratulations! It looks like you are doing a great job.

more pictures

Cowl gets painted with red. Before the white base get sanded for the paint to stick:


Fuselage also get a red lay of paint. It really surprises with the large amout of paint that is needed for a small plane like this - and also the price of red paint vesus white paint. More than double in price:


Elevators get the final touch of red paint:


Callsign and black color:


Fuselage finished:


Wings get painted, now getting close to the finish. Looking forward to move all parts to the airport:


I bet it's a thrill to see the transformation!

-- Chris

P.S. I am now officially lusting after that spray booth! :D
after paint

I thought I would update with a picture of the things comming together. It is easy progress after paint as everything has allready been tried and fitted on. It is a very satisfying process. For those who are building but not at this point yet, you can look very much forward to this part of the project.

Very Nice!! I too was amazed at the price of red paint for my project. My paint scheme used alot more red than yours and I was Shocked!!


That looks very nice, that is also a nice down draft booth.... the shop is nice and clean too.....everybody pay close attention to that.... a clean shop and booth.... remember when painting your project first clean, clean, clean, and clean again.... the dirt in your paint job is from not cleaning enough..... I know that the red is expensive. I just paid $97.00 for a Pint of GM corvette Torch Red....

Congrats on the nice paint....I hope it flies as good as it looks.....enjoy

Rich Denton
Thanks for the nice comments. Yes I expect I can tour the skys of europe next summer:D:D Paperwork and 50 hour test flight scheme hopefully done before that.
Looks great Christian. Very elegant paint job. My wife is from Copenhagen and will get a kick out of this. She'll be very glad to see a fellow Dane building such a beautiful airplane!