
Well Known Member
I am at the point in my build where I need to paint the cockpit area. Being a QB kit most interior parts are already primed with SW wash primer.
I called SW and was given the following information for painting.

1) re-apply the wash primer if more than 8hrs old
2) Apply 1 coat Macropoxy 646
3) Apply 1 coat High solids Poly

This sounds more like their marine environment specs than what I was looking for.

What have others done to get a good chip resistant paint over the WP Vans appiles on the QB interior ?
I've been using SW wash primer for over 30 years. I've had good results with either shooting a fresh light coat of the same wash primer or scuffing with scotchbrite.
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I have also used the wash primer for many years, and usually another light coat or scuffing suffices. However, on the quickbuilds, I think they get some type of contamination/dirt on them from the overseas journey. I only scuffed and cleaned the last QB, and in some areas on the interior the paint has less-than-ideal adhesion.
Did you use all three steps?

Did you guys use both the micropoxy and Poly coats? Think it would be safe to scuff and MEK as opposed to reapply WP
Did you guys use both the micropoxy and Poly coats? Think it would be safe to scuff and MEK as opposed to reapply WP

Nope, just top coated with whatever I was using for the next step. Don't wipe down with MEK. It will remove the wash primer.
as Mel says....

... and clean with a good wax/grease remover. I use Kleen Strip. It is a mild solvent that will not remove the original primer. This will give you good adhesion.
If you want excellent adhesion, you must scuff well beyond scotch bright, with something a lot more course, and reshoot. There is no chemical substitute for exposing more surface area for the paint to bite.
I chose not to do this as it is very difficult to work around finished interior structures. My paint is holding up well.
I finished with Valspar on my panel and PPG Concept for the interior.
So I went ahead and did a short test of spraying topcoat over bare Aluminum,
telling myself "let it last for 10 years, who knows what comes after"
well see what happens after one day! :

Which is probably no surprise to all of you paint experts. but was a shock for me ;)

going back to the thread topic, what I am trying to do is paint my interior QB fuse.
If I wipe the SW P60 was primer with Mek and spray on, will the results be the same?
is the fact that the fuse was already etched will give better results?
What about epoxy primer? can I spray over wiped with MEK aluminum?
I would like to avoid scuffing , in order not to remove the etched layer.

Thoughts on this?
I am at the same stage with a QB. The primer they use for QB is not exactly SW.

From Van's

The primer used on the QB kits is sourced by the factory in the Philippines, You will not find the exact product here in the US or Canada. You will be better off to just find a priming process you are happy with and build using what you can easily get locally.

The product they use is Sphero SW-600 primer with SWPR-2100 reducer, and SWPC-1000 acid catalyst.

I found the primer wipes off very easily off the QB fuse using something as benign as rubbing alcohol.
I am considering trying to wipe most of it off and starting with a new compatible primer.

If it's anything like P60G2, Alumiprep will strip it right off. Peels it up like paint remover. I think it reacts with the acid somehow.