
Well Known Member
Does anyone have any suggestions where to find some nice paint schemes to consider for the 12. Now that I am about to start the finish kit I need to be thinking. Most of the paint houses around here have long waiting lists. I really don't want to do it myself. Could a car paint/body shop do it? These things are mobile...but I'm not sure if they know anything about painting aluminum. Any advice appreciated. Maybe Rudi will come to Texas and do mine for me...obviously he has a knack for perfection.
I went over to the other r/v model forums on this site and looked around. Lots of pictures there to look at.

We have a local auto paint shop that the owner/painter is a pilot. He has done some small planes in his shop. I sawa his plane that he painted in his shop at a fly-in last week and it looked sweet. I will be calling him when the time is right. Not nearly as expensive as full blown airplane paint shops. Any auto paint guy should be able to do it if willing. Just ask the right questions.
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A word of caution.

Be careful with auto body shop paint jobs. Typically body shops aren't concerned about weight. They will put on a lot of paint. Aircraft painters typically use 2 cross coats. If you remember the two RV-10s that were built in Colorado a few years back, the 2 airplanes were built side by side and were identical in every way except for paint. One was painted by the builder, the other by a body shop. There was more than 22 lbs. difference in the 2 aircraft after paint.
Mell, Good point.

Research and ask the right questions. Does your local EAA know of any altenatives in the area's aircraft paint shops.
If you don't have a bunch of photos from Oshkosh, type aircraft paint schemes in Google. You will get a listing of several professional a/c scheme designers. You can pay them (nah!!) or look at their websites for ideas.

ANYONE know of a software package that will allow us to design our own on the PC. The one commonly used for the other RV models does not list the RV-12 as an option.
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Excellent Point Mel

I put one coat on the underside of wings, stab and fuse and two coats on top.

Its hard to resist putting on a second coat on the bottom, but I did and it looks great!

Then again I painted it so I would say thats..:)

If you don't have a bunch of photos from Oshkosh, type aircraft paint schemes in Google. You will get a listing of several professional a/c scheme designers. You can pay them (nah!!) or look at their websites for ideas.

ANYONE know of a software package that will allow us to design our own on the PC. The one commonly used for the other RV models does not list the RV-12 as an option.

Thanks Mel, I didn't think about a car painter not being concerned about weight. Marty, what is the software pkg "commonly" used for other RV models?
Software for Paint

To start an answer on the software question, it kind of depends on your tolerance for learning a new tool, which is all these software apps really are. I've used several packages from Corel Draw, Adobe Photoshop Elements, Microsoft Expression Design, GIMP (open source), PowerPoint, Visio, and even the generic Paint.

In using any of the software tools, you'll copy/ paste a side or top view from Van's 3-view drawings as a clean slate, then press on. It's all up to you at that point. The key is learning how to use the tool. You could also start wtih a photo of Vans's RV-12 prototype and paint your scheme over that. Lot's of ways to skin the 'ol cat.

Here's a variety of schemes I did for mine using these tools: The schemes towards the bottom were done in Corel, but I used Expression and Photoshop Elements on some of the ones towards the top. The top ones were more recent and you can see some of the progression in teh overall graphics skills.

Hope this helps!
Given the simple/light mission for the RV-12, why aren't more folks going the polishing route?
Exterior Finish

I went by a local paint shop, which is relatively close to one of our airports, and found a guy who has painted a number of planes at the airport. He's also a pilot, and said he could paint the plane for us if we took him a photo of the plane and the dimensions of the plane. We did that and he said he could paint the plane for $1200.00 using aircraft paint (I don't remember the type). I asked him about Imron paint and he said that there's another product out that is superior to Imron and requires less paint. I'm going to get more info on the paint and check it out.
Meade and George
1200 PLUS paint..The paint alone will cost you $1200.

And by the time you throw in rolls of tape, masking paper, thinners/solvents, etc, it adds hundreds more. I was probably in it around $1600 altogether.

L.Adamson --- RV6A
Car Painters

As I remember, Van's paints theirs with Valspar...probably don't even pay $1200 for the paint. Its just that all the aircraft painters around here want 6 to 7,000, a down payment and a year wait. I do not want to paint my own. With Mel's weight considerations in mind I do plan to talk with some car painters...about just what they can do...that would be satisfactory to me. Our advantage is that we can take the wings off and deliver! The other RV's don't have that option. Meade and George...let me know what you find out.

Yes actually

I used Valspar and I seem to remember it being around $1200..Back in 2005 that is.

Polishing is OK (IMO) for high wings. With low wings, you get insane reflections from the top surfaces of the wings.

I am considering a combination of polish and paint... going for sort of an "old school" look when I build. Regarding the reflection... painting part of the top of the wing (invasion stripes or other scheme) will address that. You don't have to paint the whole upper wing. If you think about reflection angles... the first foot or two closest to the fuselage will just reflect against the aluminum side... and the outer third will only hit the canopy when the sun is at fairly low angles - where the intensity is cut way down by the atmosphere.

Paint and Materials

I used Valspar and I seem to remember it being around $1200..Back in 2005 that is. Frank

Another data point, I spent $1766. on at the paint store. That includes prep chemicals, masking tape/paper, primer, and 3 paint colors. And like Frank, that was in 2005.

John Clark
RV8 N18U "Sunshine"
I have a friend that used Kirker brand paint to paint a RV-3, with basecoat/clearcoat. It is absolutely beautiful, as good as a high-dollar paint job. No problems with durability. Total cost of materials: $500. When buying brand-name paints all you're paying for is the name.

Order online at
Then there's Bob Brashear who says he has built and painted several RV's and used paint from Jones-Blair for $33 a gallon. I have no idea if the paint is any good; I contacted the company and they have a small number of colors and are an industrial paint supplier. See:

I posted a question here a couple years ago asking if anyone else had used this paint & no one replied.

I might try some of the paint on my propane tank & other stuff & see how it works--but that's a couple years off.