
Well Known Member
I am about ready to etch/filler/primer paint, and finish paint the horizontal stabilizer, and elevators. Question: Should I mask off the lead counterweights on the elevators, or will the lead take paint well???
As long as you scuff (red Scotch Brite) the lead weights, prime them with the same primer you are using on the rest of the airplane (i recomend Zinc Chromate) it will stick just fine. Since it is a leading edge it will chip and become damaged faster than other areas, but there isnt much you can do about that.
PainterJohn said:
Since it is a leading edge it will chip and become damaged faster than other areas, but there isnt much you can do about that.

I shaved the leading edge of the counterweight,and glassed it up with the tip. No exposed lead, or troubles painting it.
i painted a 7 that had that done to it, The glass and the Lead expand at different rates, and is starting to show cracks.