
Happy New Year everyone!
My engine mount is unpainted and is slowly rusting whilst waiting to be installed.. I don't want to leave it like that so I was thinking of painting it to slow/stop the surface corrosion.
My question is.. should i metalprep the mount to remove the light surface rust that is on it now before painting, or should I remove the rust by mechanical means only? My concern is that any phosphoric acid solution may weaken the mount in an non visible way. The intended paint covering will be an epoxy primer, followed by a gloss white topcoat.
Your advice on how to prep the mount for paint would be greatly appreciated!
Sand---or other media---blast, and powder coat.

Look up in your local phone book.

The folks who do these tasks know what to do, listen to their recommendations.

Powdercoaters are a pretty variable bunch when it comes to quality. To get a good looking finish requires almost no skill or prep, which leads some to do a pretty worthless job. Media blasting will provide the best chance of the stuff sticking, but you can easily do the job yourself.

By the time I painted mine it had a fair amount of very light surface rust. I simply knocked off the bulk of it with scotchbrite and then did the Metalprep. By this point it was clean as a whistle. I then primed with PPG DP50 primer and finished with some white urethane that I had lying around. Really no big deal.
metal prep 69

like steve said

i would metal prep, and epoxy prime, then good topcoat. some kind of single stage urethane. my .02
Just curious if I'm missing something here; my RV7-A engine mount came from Van's in white powdercoat.

Are you saying that yours came to you in the raw?
