Fl Mac

Well Known Member
Do they paint the Vertical stab/rudder and horrizontal stab assembled to the tail or will they want it off. If either does having them seperate give you a better paint job?

Coments please!
I painted ours off the airplane,it was easier to handle and we didnt have to mask every thing else off,just be careful putting it back together.:)
Usually paint shops remove the control surfaces and leave the flying surfaces.
Usually paint shops remove the control surfaces and leave the flying surfaces.

Not all...its easy to tell...just move the rudder and look. And those are some of the expensive guys too. Its also one of the reasons I'm thinking about taking mine to a car painter...with the control surfaces off. Since the 12 can be moved on a trailer...why not...cheaper too.
Not all...its easy to tell...just move the rudder and look. And those are some of the expensive guys too. Its also one of the reasons I'm thinking about taking mine to a car painter...with the control surfaces off. Since the 12 can be moved on a trailer...why not...cheaper too.

I am going to a car guy that has expirence painting planes (will keep it light). I guess I should ask him. Right now I have the tail all together, I kind of don't want to take it back apart.
Trailers for the Twelve?

Anyone have ideas yet for a trailer setup to get the parts to the painter, or a link to a trailer builder who is working on a trailer for the RV-12?

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Painting parts

I have been considering paintiing all the parts seperatly. It seems it would be easier to do. At least the "base" color, then trim it after assembly.
Why not???
I have been considering paintiing all the parts seperatly. It seems it would be easier to do. At least the "base" color, then trim it after assembly.
Why not???

I think that is the way I'm gonna do it, easier to handle, but takes up more room in the paint booth.
My paint plans

I am going to turn the entire fuse assembly upside down, then paint only the bottom and around the side up to the first lap joint. Much easier painting that way. When dry, turn it upright again, install landing gear, and paint in 2 more sessions. One side at a time. Too hard to paint around anything. There are perfect lap joints to work with. Since the bulk of my fuse will be white, should not show if masked well. Thats the plan anyway. Other pieces will be grouped by size and color. I plan to tape paper between pieces when assembling. Again, thats the plan

John Bender
Painting vertical surfaces off the plane and in a horizontal position will reduce your chances of runs. Considering my painting experiences, it's a good reason for me to lay them down.
FL Mac

I will have everything off. If you roughly trial fit the pieces before hand, they should go together ok. It is just much easier to paint smaller pieces, and not go up & around ANYTHING. Wings can be done up on edge, but even they are better done on a rotisserie setup.

Richard, John,

Great points. I don't have to worry about trial fit; they are on and fit well. I will take them off. It does sound better to have them off. I am convinced.