
Well Known Member
Ok, way early in the process here but I'm trying to come up with a scheme for the -10. I'd like it to be warbird-ish mostly to be suitable for a nose art piece I'm going to have done for it. I'd also like to have as much bare aluminum surface as possible (I'm also looking into metalizing the 'other' material) for aesthetic purposes. I've been poring through books on nose art, paint schemes, etc. and so far have not found a lot of inspiration so I thought I'd open it up to you guys and see if I got any luck. Thanks.
The Navion and -10 look similar, so I bet one of the L-17 schemes would look nice. Go here and click on galleries, lots of different schemes. Make sure to look at the "Replica photos" section, nice pictures and a link to a downloadable military marking guide.


Happy "scheming":)
Actually, I find most of the L-17 schemes bland. The civvy schemes are generally based more on other warbirds and are closer to the mark. By the way, I said 'warbird-ish'; I've also looked at some of the commercial transport schemes, like those for the DC-3. There's a couple there, like the Ozark scheme, that are somewhat like I'm thinking about. But I'm not trying to replicate a particular scheme or create a warbird -10; I'm just looking for a good scheme to go with a polished -10 that will sport nose art.

The nose art is what's really killing me. There's some great -10 schemes out there that would look good on a polished plane but plastering nose art over them leaves me a bit cold. I'm really looking for something with a larger color panel on the cowling, I think, but I'm still looking for ideas. It's one of those "I won't know it until I see it" things.

You may want to talk to Dave Saylor about his experiences with a polished RV-10. He believes that the California sun reflecting off his wings caused a warping issue with one of his windows. He ended up replacing a window and painting his wings after a year.

Visit the CAF museum at MAF in Midland Texas. They have the largest collection of original nose art plus thousands of photos and diagrams.
Thanks, Myron. Bob, I'm aware of Dave's issue but it's off-topic for this thread. Let's assume I've solved the problem (after all, I'm flying an unpainted - albiet unpolished, too - RV in the Arizona sun, which is hotter. And I'm several thousand feet closer, too. ;)) or that the aluminum areas will magically become aluminum or white paint. Either way, I'm looking for paint scheme ideas; I already have a thread going about metalizing fiberglass and there are others about polishing. But I appreciate the input.