Paul Austin

Active Member
just wondering if anyone knows off a good computer program to do rv paint schemes on as i want to do some trail schemes.:cool:
Awhile back this question came up. One of the offerings was Model Airplane Color Design ( which I tried out. It's simple to use, reasonably accurate (unless you're doing really fine lines), and you can make your paint schemes using Paint or any other simple program; the texture files for the model are simple images. Once done, you can freely rotate the model to see your paint scheme. It has it's limitations but it's hard to beat for prototyping a paint scheme.
There's several tools out there you can use. The previously mentioned is one of them. A shareware tool called Gimp ( does a nice job and the price is right. I've done quite a few renditions using Photoshop Express, which can come bundled with hardware and other computer stuff. It's basically a slimmed-down version of the full Adobe Photoshop. Adobe Illustrator is a professional-level graphics tool and there's always Corel Draw. MS Paint, which is normally loaded on your computer when you get it can be used as well. Theres really a long list of tools you can use but here's the short list of my personal methodology:

1) Pull down Van's 3-view drawings and do a quick paper sketch of the concept with crayons, colored pencils, markers, sharpies, your call.
2) Use your favorite graphic tool to do a 2-D drawing. Here's what this looks like:

3) Finally, do a re-skin on MS Flight Sim, with what-ever version you have. This step takes a little more effort and entails the use of some different tools, but when loaded into MSFS, allows you to get a really nice look at your scheme in any weather, lighting, or background. Most of my examples are here:

4) Finally, I'm using Microsoft Expression Design and trying my skills at profile drawings. This needs work, but it's coming along:

This is a little simplistic explaination, but the process works for me. I've been noodling on prospective schemes for the entire 6-year build process so this method allows me to triage bad designs early and allow focus on those that I really like.

Good luck!
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Paint Scheme Designer

I considered finding a program and learning it to design my scheme. I had a reasonable idea of what I wanted so I made hand sketches on Van's drawings and sent them to and for $500 dollars flat fee Craig produced designs and colors until I was satisfied.

Once we agreed upon the design, and this is the real important part, he produced the drawings with all the measurements so the design on the plane matched the design on the drawing. This is real important because without the dimensions, the design is changed by whoever paints the plane.

I considered it money well spent and if you need a paint mask, it can be computer generated from Craig's information.


Paul. MACD as expalined in Patricks reply is fantastic value for money for trying out schemes and it's also a good formation trainer for showing a wingman the various positions. There is a CAP232 to download as a demo to have a play.

RV-8 Fuselage just started