
Well Known Member
I'm priming and running in to fisheye I wiped down with a wax remover degreaser that smells like jet A. It left a bit of residue so I wiped down with a micro fiber cloth soaked in la quercetin thinner and I now have a bit of a disaster. What is a proper fool proof method of getting all the **** off bare metal. I am not acid etching.
Old school

I'm old school. I wash with Dawn. After it dries, wipe with Kirker 600 surface prep. Wipe dry then tack cloth. Never had a fisheye. This is not surface prep of aluminum. It's paint prep. Totally different.
That said, fisheyes can also come from contaminates in the air line.
Prep for priming.

- Option #1, used for most applications: Use Bonderite with maroon Scotchbrite pads, rinse with water. If water sheets off you are done. Allow to fully dry and prime the same day.

- Option #2”: Use Coleman fuel with maroon Scotchbrite pads. Wipe dry. Prime the same day.

Option #2 is what I use for steel parts.

This process done on three RVs and never had a priming problem.
Use paper towels for everything (Nothing that has ever been in a washer or dryer. Fabric softener has silicone in it). Nothing in your setup can have a bit of silicone in it. I had fisheyes and it was due to the syringe I used to measure out small batches.

No oil in your airlines,... ever. Use a filter at the gun. I use dedicated air hoses.

Somewhere you are picking up oil or silicone.