
Active Member
I have turned the corner and getting ready to paint. My plan is to use the PPG Desothane system.

Over time, I have heard that there is poor adhesion or other issues painting over stainless. So, now I am looking at the vertical stab caps, gas tank and other parts held by stainless screws and wondering what to do with them?

Generally, what is a good strategy for handling access panels and the associated screws whether stainless or not?

Thanks for your time.....
Any panel you think you'll be removing from time to time should be painted independantly, and without the screws installed.

If you paint the screws, then try and remove 'em, the paint on the screws and around them is likely to chip and crack.

There is some debate about painting the screws for the fuel tanks. Hopefully, you'll never have to touch them, but you never know. If you *know* you'll never remove 'em, go ahead and paint 'em. Otherwise, paint the tanks without the screws installed. FYI, my tank screws are painted.
Murphy's Law works here.....

If you *know* you'll never remove 'em, go ahead and paint 'em. Otherwise, paint the tanks without the screws installed. FYI, my tank screws are painted.

"If you paint 'em, you will have to remove 'em!"