
Well Known Member
Hey all. Working on the wing attachment sites at the fuselage, getting ready to make the fuel tank attacment bracket, etc. Then it hit me.
This area of the fuselage is not open when painting, correct? Or do folks remove the wing root fairing and have this part painted?
Anyway, even though this is hidden by the wing root, does anyone prime this part of the fuselage where the fuel line, control rod, wires, etc, come out of the fuselage and head into the wing before attaching the wing? Seems like one wouldn't want this to remain bare metal?

Peter K
Paint with either the wings off, or at least the fairing off. Paint the fairing seperate. At completion, the rubber butts up against the fuse.


edit: I'd certainly prime , if the wings will remain on while painting; as there are tight areas to get to.
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