
I have an idea that I'd like some feedback on. I could soon have the space available to offer a painters assistance program, which is quite similar to the builders assist. When your ready for paint and already know that you want to be a major part of the process, you would be able to stay and help on a daily basis as well as being involved with the design as it goes on. Maybe you only want to be a little involved but definitely want to stay with the plane, that works too. Take a trip to Orlando, which is nearby, or what not and watch the process of paint take place, right out your back door. We know some people have separation issues with their planes, after working on them for so long. LOL You would have access to a great 2 bed, 2 bath w/jacuzzi apartment and a vehicle during your stay. I anticipate 4 weeks for every job, however if someone is willing to pitch in, it could come down to only 2 weeks in to completion. I'm thinking of a flat per week fee plus materials. Anyone have any thoughts they would like to share on this idea? Does it seem viable, with a demand for this type of service? What would you be willing to pay for a service such as this idea? If I go with this, I'm thinking of starting in July so looking to make some quick decisions. Thoughts anyone? Interest?

Jason Raudenbush
That is a great idea! I would love to paint my own plane, but I have never done it before, and I would need to build a paint booth, spray guns, ect. for a one time project.
paint assistance program

I can tell you it will have some success, as we've been doing it for about 10 years, albeit mainly in the Lancair world. There is that certain element out there that is going to be involved from start to finish... no matter what! Many folks subscribe to the "do it all" philosophy, but realize there are advantages to having the right tools, a proper facility, or simply the correct background to reduce the inevitable learning curve otherwise known as "paint and bodywork."
Be careful with that per week fee, as there is no "one size fits all" paint job out there. I attribute much of our success to being flexable enough to accommodate any type of customer.

Brad Simmons
Airframes Inc.
Milan, TN
[email protected]

I think your basic concept is sound.

My only concern would be duration. Very few folks have the ability to take four weeks off to assist with paint. Many can take one or two weeks. If you can develop a schedule that allows folks to fit it into their vacation schedule and your pricing is fair, you should do well.

I would definitely be interested - paint is the only part of the entire build process that has me scared. I want to tackle the job myself, but I would REALLY like to have somebody that knows what they are doing to take the lead while I helped.

I've seen a lot of really well built airplanes that came out looking like junk because of a backyard hack painting job, this is one area where I know I'll end up just writing a check because I have no knowledge of the art.

2 weeks is just on the edge of workable for most folks, if you could shorten that to maybe 10 days (a full week plus the weekends maybe?) you would get more participation.
You bet!

I would sign up for this in a heartbeat. OK, so I am probably three years from completing the airplane at this pace, but I'll definitely keep my eye on this service. Tell us more! Two weeks for a quality paintjob would work well for me.