
Well Known Member
I like Van's paint scheme and probably will copy it more or less without the aluminum color he seems to have added.

A question for those who are already flying: If the wings were left in bare aluminum would there be a problem of reflection of light and/or heat from the unpainted wings? I want to paint as little as possible and wondered if bare wings would be practical. Your opinion would be appreciated.

John at Salida, CO
heat and glare, visibility

I have a friend with an RV-8, was going to leave it polished aluminum. Right away he noticed how much heat load there is from the reflected sunlight up onto the cockpit.

Also, I've noticed flying with him that bare aluminum airplanes are surprisingly difficult to see against a terrain backdrop.

He has decided to paint it.
Most definitely yes, there is a significant issue from glare and heat off unpainted wings. Paint the beast.

A question for those who are already flying: If the wings were left in bare aluminum would there be a problem of reflection of light and/or heat from the unpainted wings? John at Salida, CO

The reflection and heat is horrible.
Bad enough when its just you, but when your and your RV-12 buddies are zipping along in formation and you keep flashing them with your cheap unpainted wings, they will be cursing you and probably quit flying with you in short order.
I like it!

It is nearly identical to a scheme I have been playing with. I was using a darker color... more of a deep red/maroon. It gives the craft a beautiful vintage look. I was planning on something akin to "invasion stripes" - probably in the same color or a grey and maroon combination starting about a foot to 18 inches out from the fuselage... and extending 2 - 3 foot wide to cut the most direct glare. Further out from that and the sun would be at a low angle and more diffuse. Also... remember folks that the cockpit is further forward... that also reduces the glare factor. :)

I saw a few polished planes at the airshow at TRM - Thermal Airport this weekend. Incredibly beautiful.


Been flying my 6a for 7 years without paint. If you stand in the right place while the sun is out and you are on the ground, it can be really hot on your face, and I need sunglasses to inspect the elevator attach bolts. Inside, flying, I don't notice it too much, or enough to want to paint it. No heat or bright reflections in the cockpit...but you can really see a bright reflection on the ground 1500 feet below. I have had pilots tell me they could see me a long way off, but weren't blinded. My hanger neighbor has a 7 polished much more than mine and he also has no complaints. He does have Army stripes and star on the wings, so it may be broken up a little more than mine is, and less bright. I've flown with him some and he doesn't blind me either.

One thing I don't like is the NASTY and dirty job of polishing it.

Dennis in Fort Collins.