Here goes, first of many stupid questions. I've started reviewing the wing plans and cannot necessarily tell if I could be missing pages. For example, section 11 ends on p. 11-06 (back side of page) with the words "This page intentionally left blank" which is a pretty good indication you reached the end of the section and it is complete. Section 12, however, ends on p. 12-08 (also a back side) but has instructions and a drawing on it. Section 13 starts on the immediately adjacent page. There is no indication that I could find that says Section 12 is 8 pages in total (e.g., "page 1 of 8" at the bottom of page 1 and so on, or a table of contents listing page numbers) so how do I know Section 12 really ends on page 8 and that I am not missing page(s)? :confused:

If there is no obvious way to tell, here is what I have if someone wouldn't mind confirming:

Section 11-6 pages, 12-8, 13-6, 14-4, 15-10, 16-10, 17-8, 18-6, 19-12, 20-10, 21-12, 22-04

The very first page of each section typically has an over view ISO view of the work happening in that section.
If you finish the last page and the assembly you are working on, looks like the ISO view on the first page, you probably did everything intended for that section.