
Well Known Member
We countersunk the holes in the flanges on HS1202 and 1203, but they're covered up on page 09-03, in step 3, with WD 1207 and 1208, (horns). Anyone else notice that?
Meade and George
Was at that point about a week ago. You will end up putting CS4-4 rivets (which is a flush pop rivet) in those countersunk holes, see Page 09-05, Step 4. This will allow the flange of the horn to fit flush over the spar box. The horn covers up those rivets. The CS4-4 rivet has a 120 deg head. I used the "special" 30x120 deg bit.
Countersin error?

Thanks Marty; we figured it out after I wrote the post. It's amazing what you can figure when you read ahead...
Countersink error

What do you mean catch up???? I'm ONLY about 5 weeks behind...I'm just gettin' lazy and I've got to try to finish that up tonight.
The various blogs, yours being one of the best, were extremely helpful during wing assembly. I feel naked building without the help of a blog.

When I finish the tailcone, I'll start the fuselage. I'm very happy that you all are keeping the blogs going for the fuselage kit. The hints are most helpful.

:) marty :)