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Page 38-26 Bucking canopy side skins

Is bucking these rivets what others have done without issues? I set 4 at the end of todays session and they went well but it sure rattles the canopy/canopy frame.
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I did it on the airplane with canopy closed. Two person job. Lowered gun pressure a bit and used a tungsten bucking bar.
Squeeze Please...

Do you own a hand or pneumatic squeezer and the appropriate reach/shape yokes?
Is it possible you are pressing against the structure with the gun, instead of just holding the gun to the surface? That's what I usually find I'm doing when a work surface that isn't solidly supported (as here) moves excessively. The tungsten bucking bar also is invaluable.
Is it possible you are pressing against the structure with the gun, instead of just holding the gun to the surface? That's what I usually find I'm doing when a work surface that isn't solidly supported (as here) moves excessively. The tungsten bucking bar also is invaluable.
Thanks Tom. When I posted my original question I thought I had the option to buck or squeeze. As it turns out, unless you have a custom yoke, you Have to buck these rivets. I mounted it to my bench and warmed it up. All done. Even those annoying handle rivets. I didn’t want to do it on the fuse, was worried about marking the fuse side skins. My canopy side rails are slightly inboard.

Do you have one of these yokes? --

It should reach everything in the canopy side skins (that's what we used for this task.)
Thanks Brian, I do have that one but won’t work on most of the side rail on the 14.
Why did I think that it was required to be done on the fuselage with the canopy closed. Mine was a two person job?
That looks like a very good set up.
Why did I think that it was required to be done on the fuselage with the canopy closed. Mine was a two person job?
That looks like a very good set up.

So full disclosure Gleen, I was able to do about half of them by myself but then my rotator cuff said that’s enough. My wife helped set the rest. Did 4 rivets on one side then switched back and forth just to be safe. The handle rivets are definitely a two person job. Used a wood spacer for those to prevent the bucking bar from doing any damage. Got that trick off the wiki.
We put our canopy frame sideways on one of the EAA workbenches, and were able to buck all the rivets with two people. As others have said, the gun should be set a little lower than normal to keep from shaking it to death.