

When fluting C-01409-L/R the flute has to go outboard to level the part per the instructions, fluting inboard exaggerates the arc being corrected.

The outboard flute isn't going to work when attached to C-01407-L/R.

Kind of lost on this. Any suggestions?
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I had to change the angle of some of the flanges slightly to get everything to lay flat. Haven't riveted it yet, though, so I am not sure how well it will all end up. Might be something to consider.
Got it ... this part takes a LOT of working ... hand pressure on my fluting tool didn't do it. I had to apply pressure with the fluting pliers, then use a rubber mallet to get enough depression. Even using the rubber mallet probably need to double up on the flutes so they aren't so deep.

Had to order replacement part, fluted the other direction twice working it so concerned this part may develop cracks later.

Lesson learned.
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Reviving this one because this where I am now. I?m having a real hard time getting the C1409 to lay flat. How critical is it that it lies exactly flat?
Reviving this one because this where I am now. I?m having a real hard time getting the C1409 to lay flat. How critical is it that it lies exactly flat?

Spend some time getting it as close as you can. I won't say mine was perfect but it was very close and in the end my canopy fit great.
I just went thru this part and fluting was hard but certainly doable. It took fair amount of fluting and at some of the locations two flutes between each set of rivet but it worked. Hand cramp ought to be expected after this and much clecoing.
Thanks everyone.
Got the job done with bench vise and a million taps with rubber mallet. I would not call this ?fluting?. This is asking metal to bend in a very unnatural way.
Does 38 ever end?
Greg Beckner