
Well Known Member
This is not the first thread to raise this issue but the others were apparently referring to prior versions of the plans. The warning on page 38-08 in bold is a hard one to ignore, so before I do anything other than exactly what the plans say, I want to ask.

On page 38-09 step 5 (revision 0 dated 4/15/15), the plans call for a single AN426AD4-4 rivet to be set flush on the C-01408-L forward canopy rail base, in the forward outboard corner of the C-01402-L forward canopy frame.

On page 38-10 step 1 (revision 0 dated 4/15/15), the plans call for the flanges of the C-01417 canopy frame close-out to be dimpled. (I looked ahead and these will get CS4-4 rivets, so I plan to give it a 120-degree dimple.) Then on the same page, step 5 has you cleco the C-01417 close-out to the C-01408-L forward canopy rail base.

It is not until page 38-16 step 10 (revision 0 dated 4/15/15) when the plans call for the C-01408-L forward canopy rail base to be counter-sunk.

Either 38-09 step 5 means to CLECO that hole and page 38-10 step 1 dimpling should not be done until after the counter-sinking of C-01408-L, or the counter-sinking must be done back at page 38-09 before putting the thing onto the canopy frame.

Some older threads sound like they were referring to a prior revision of maybe page 38-08, where step 5 was not only to separate the C-01408 forward canopy rail bases but also to counter-sink them, and there were issues with the counter-sink call-outs on that page. But the current revision of page 38-08 (revision 1 dated 7/2/15) does not have anything about counter-sinking.

My inclination is to counter-sink the bases early, but that warning in the plans means I have to ask here before I proceed.
I followed the plans precisely and it worked out fine. Once you dimple the hole becomes less precise and the side rails provide this so your matching the rest to a precise datum. I'm scratching the memory here as it's been awhile. I do remember the ahah moment on why the plans have a specific order for the area you are talking about. Sorry I can't be any more helpful other than by sticking to the plan works out fine.
The plans have you set an AN426 rivet about 8 pages before you counter sink the hole. That just can?t be right. My theory is that one page got revised and the others didn?t but should have. I?m going to write to Vans tomorrow morning to see what they say. I?ll definitely wait for official word before I deviate from the plans in this section. The warning is just too stern to ignore. :)