Well Known Member
Is there any reason the canopy cradle assembly can't be put in before riveting the forward top skin? The release mechanism has to wait due to riveting interference. I tools like the main issue is interference with the bushing and the corner rivet. I'm tempted to put a flush cherry there and the two othe places where the bolts protrude on each side in trade for easier assembly.
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I am at the same stage but the way I read it is you rivet as many rivets in for the centre piece call out before removing the bolts holding the bushing to finally get at those difficult rivets. I am hoping to do this today as have been waiting on my better half to work the rivet gun. I could have riveted them in myself but the plans call for you to have the whole skin clecoed, the way I read it, making access difficult.
Sorry I may have read your question wrong. I have done as per instructions with no problem but am only riveting up centre section until I get avionics etc in. Putting the assembly in is not to difficult once centre section riveted.