
Well Known Member
Step 1 on page 32-05 is to dimple two #30 holes in each F-01447 baggage floor for CS4-4 rivets (120-degree heads). I did this, but I also looked at the ribs in my fuselage and the corresponding holes are not dimpled. The ribs in question are the second to most inboard F-01417 seat ribs on each side (in other words, the inboard rib of each "crotch strap assembly" pair).

I went back to section 26 to see if I missed a step. I can't find a step calling for dimpling these holes. Is there a reason not to dimple them or should I get my squeezer in there and dimple them now, before installing the baggage floors?
I remember coming across the same issue - I just dimpled the corresponding location in the rib. Seems like I obsessed over it and found the place in the plans where the dimples were called out but can't recall where I found it (or really if I did - happened over a year ago!).

The tricky part was deciding exactly which hole in which ribs to dimple - be sure you match the holes up with the skin - I ended up measuring from the tunnel ribs with a mark after placing the baggage skin in place.

EDIT: Look at 26-03 step 4 - this may be the place where the dimples were called out.
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26-03 step 4 creates the Inboard Seat Ribs, but the missing dimple is on the next seat ribs outboard of them on both sides. So it has to be a different step, if it's there.

26-03 step 2 is to dimple a single #30 hole in all of the seat ribs, but that's the front edge of the baggage floor so it's not the missing one, either.

I searched for the word dimple anywhere in section 26. It comes up a lot but I couldn't find anything that matches these two.

I'm just going to dimple the matching holes...after very carefully triple-checking which holes they are. It doesn't seem to make sense to lose any sleep over this one.
26-03 step 4 creates the Inboard Seat Ribs, but the missing dimple is on the next seat ribs outboard of them on both sides. So it has to be a different step, if it's there.

26-03 step 2 is to dimple a single #30 hole in all of the seat ribs, but that's the front edge of the baggage floor so it's not the missing one, either.

I searched for the word dimple anywhere in section 26. It comes up a lot but I couldn't find anything that matches these two.

I'm just going to dimple the matching holes...after very carefully triple-checking which holes they are. It doesn't seem to make sense to lose any sleep over this one.

I didn't look close enough to correlate but it's a no brainer as you say. Van's doesn't always hold our hand...
Look closely in Step 1

I ran across this old thread from the -14 wiki and just wanted to add one comment. I also got hung up on step 1 and wondered about the corresponding dimples needed in the ribs for the CS4-4 rivets. After digging through the instructions from past sections and re-reading and re-reading, i realized this...

Just re-read Step 1 and notice this bolded language:
Step 1: Dimple the #30 holes in the F-01447-L & -R Baggage Floors and F-01417-L & -R Seat Ribs for the CS4-4 rivets as shown

So it's right there in Step 1! :)
Just go ahead and dimple those corresponding #30 holes in the ribs with a 120degree dimple for the CS4-4
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I ran amok with my dimpler. and missed the two, and wound up dimpling most of the 30 holes, instead of just the 2 in question.

And I've since flattened them out. (I only did it on one floor panel)

Posted my oops here in hopes that it heads off another eager beaver with poor reading comprehension.
