
Well Known Member
Step 8 (with lighting kit): On the left wing use the string installed in Section 16 to pull the WH-B203 Strobe Power Wire, WH-B318 Strobe Synch Wire, and another string from the wing root into the wing tip, repeat for right wing.

With this upgrade in place and lighting kit installed, why the need for another string? Further upgrades? Spare in case of breakage? Any ideas appreciated.

Why not put in the string. There is room and you never know what you might want to do. I suppose you could always use an existing wire to pull more wires thu, but the string really works.

Could be another of Van's practical jokes - I think that they may have 'pulled your string' a little.

Van's practical jokes that are included into their instructions are well known and might be fodder for a new 'thread'. lol:cool:

Bottom line, it's your airplane - build it as you see fit.
It is standard practice for audio wiring to always have a pull string in place in case you need to pull through another wire. And when you pull that other wire, you pull through another pull string so you can do it again. Sounds like Van is hedging against builders wanting to add something in the future or maybe he even has something in mind.