
Well Known Member
I have just finished Section 14 and am moving on to 15. I'm just starting to sort out the ribs and trim them. Looking ahead to where the ribs get attached to the spars I am getting confused. Why do all the -R ribs get attached to the LEFT spar, and the -L ribs get attached to the RIGHT spar? Am I reading something wrong? I sure don't want to rivet them to the wrong places!
A mix

As I recall, there is a mix of both on each side. Look at the way they face. You reallly have to follow the instructions carefully in that section.

John Bender
John is correct


I too was a bit confused until I realized that L/R has nothing to do with which wing. It's which way they face. Not the most intuitive designation, but as always, follow the plans, look at the drawings.
Thank You One and All!

OK, now it makes sense! Dummy me, I ***-UMED L meant left wing and R meant right wing. Silly me!
I was at that stage last night. I also at first thought that R was right wing and L was left wing. I had faith and moved on. when I was attaching them to the spar the light went off there were left hand ones and right hand ones not left and right wing.