
Well Known Member
I am trying to figure out if figure 2 shows the left and right rear spars (W-1207A-R/L) viewed from inside the web (flanges toward me) or from outside. Although the drawing looks like the view is from inside the web, it does not match the parts I have. My dilemma is: either the view is from outside the web (flanges going away) and figure 2 is misleading or my parts were labeled wrongly. Looking at the cut away view of the whole plane, it looks like my parts are correctly labeled though. My conclusion would be then that the Figure drawing is misleading and is actually showing the view from the outside of the web. My concern is that so far I have been wrong when I thought the manual was wrong :eek:
You are looking at the outside of the web. You can tell because Figure 1 shows that the hinge and doubler go opposite the flanges.

In figure 2, those two pieces are solid lines, thus they are on 'this' side of the drawing. You can see that the 1207C parts are not visible, because they are on the other side!

Additionally, if you hold the pieces up, there is no way to match the drawing's orientation and get it wrong, otherwise the cutout would mark wrong.
Good Point!

I was too much focused on the representation of the Spar. Looking at the parts that are riveted on the spar like 1207C and 1207B clarifies it all. Once again the drawing was right!:)