
Well Known Member
It says: "Step 4: Rivet the E-00907-1R Rear Spar to the E-00900A the Right Top Skin as shown in Figure 1."

Don't know what I was thinking at the time, but I managed to rivet it to the Right Bottom Skin. :mad:

Is this a major error requiring that I get new skin, rear spar, etc., or can it be dealt with by other means?

I don't think it matters if you rivet the top before the bottom. The idea was to practice first on the bottom to get the feel for using the special bucking bar before you riveted the more visible top skin.
I agree it’s probably do-able but you are going to have to go over the next couple of pages carefully to plan the assembly. The plans assume (of course) that the bottom skin is attached and everything will reference off of that. You’re kind of building the elevator upside down for a couple of pages. I would study that and try to come up with a plan before I went the other direction. Drilling out those rivets and starting over would be my be my next option. Even then you shouldn’t need a new spar. Maybe a new skin if you mess up a hole or two.
Thanks for the replies. You confirmed my own conclusions, that it wasn't yet a disaster as long as I proceeded more carefully. It's great to have this sounding board.