
Well Known Member
Page 07-12, Step 4 call out use of AD-41-ABS rivets to close the leading edge, but the rivet doesn't appear to be for a dimpled hole. The instructions of step 7 on page 07-07 seem to say that the #30 holes in the leading edge should be dimpled. Is this correct?

Thank you.
No - they are not dimpled as the AD-41 is not a flush rivet. I think step 7 on page 7-07 is hinting at this by giving you reference to the rivet locations on 7-12.

Here’s what my leading edge looked like when rolling.


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Ha! Just as I had thought and, since I didn't dimple the same leading edge on my (later abandoned) RV-9A project 10 years ago, I just couldn't imagine doing it this time around! Your pic was also helpful as well.

I'll probably ask a fair number of silly questions this time around. Thank you, Trent, for taking time to answer this one -- and all the way from Australia!

Building on!