
I'm New Here
Good morning,
I'm looking for someone that makes a padded prop tip cover. This is mainly to cover a prop tip to prevent tarp punctures while shipping a vehicle. Something very similar to the image below would be perfect, but I can't find anyone that sells them currently. The pictured airplane has other items from a company that is no longer around that I can find (safeproptip.com).

I have already contacted Bruce's, but something like what is pictured is what we are after. Thanks for any help or info anyone can give.


Also, please let me know if the image isn't loading properly.
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I can't see the pic.

I'd recommend finding a local upholstery shop, and work with them to stitch up exactly what you're looking for. They'll have the heavy-duty sewing machine necessary to sew heavy vinyl/canvas/nylon with padding to make a long-lasting cover.