
Well Known Member
I have dried packing tape on my canopy. I've tried Mineral Spirits and Dawn detergent. Neither works at all.

I've googled the heck out of this but am afraid to try most of the suggestions like WD40, VM&G Naptha, 99% Isopropyl Alcohol....or mayonnaise. I can't stand the thought of harming the canopy. The tape is impermeable and the adhesive is stone dry. Does anyone have experience with this problem? I'd appreciate your advice.
Have you got any scraps of canopy that you trimmed off? These are great for trying out different solvents to see if they attack the material or not….
Goof off

Agree. Test first.
Try the least aggressive first and move up as required.
I've had really good luck with the citrus based Goof Off.
Also, don't use anything harder than the plexi to scrape.
Test those when testing the products. Plastic scrapers, credit cards, etc.
Goo Gone works very well dissolving adhesives. Lighter fluid works as well but clearly comes with the risk of being highly volatile.
there are lots of chemical compatibility databases online.
Is it plexiglass (acrylic)? Easy to search various solvents...

I'd have doubts that it would work but I wonder if steam might soften it.....
I have dried packing tape on my canopy. I've tried Mineral Spirits and Dawn detergent. Neither works at all.

I've googled the heck out of this but am afraid to try most of the suggestions like WD40, VM&G Naptha, 99% Isopropyl Alcohol....or mayonnaise. I can't stand the thought of harming the canopy. The tape is impermeable and the adhesive is stone dry. Does anyone have experience with this problem? I'd appreciate your advice.

I had some decades dry masking tape on my canopy film so decided to make it a test - - and tried various solvents/cleaners. The only thing that worked was citrus cleaner. I wet some paper towels and covered with aluminum foil to allow it to soak in. That worked pretty well.

I tested solvent/cleaners on canopy scraps first - mineral spirits, naphtha, isopropyl alcohol and the citrus cleaner - - none softened or crazed the canopy material. GooGone can have acetone and xylene in them, many formula, check SDS before using. I had a post but can not find it.
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Without doubt the best solution for removing dried tape from any surface, especially perspex - Eucalyptus Oil.

Its easy to buy, cheap, and works better than anything else. And it smells nice.
Mine had been on for 15 years and mineral spirits wouldn't touch most of the residue. Ended up using isopropyl alcohol and that worked. I believe it was on the list of approved acrylic chemicals.

But Wait…

I’ve had good luck with GooGone, too. I’m chary about the volatile and petroleum-based materials like mineral spirits, alcohol, etc because I’ve read that while they don’t show immediate damage, they do pull plasticizers out and the plastic will craze later. Back when dinosaurs and Whigs ruled the earth we were told in A&P indoctrination class that lighter fluid (naphtha) was the only solvent to use on plexiglass. This was aeons before the citrus-based cleaners arrived on the scene, of course. The eucalyptus oil sounds good, too. I’ll remember that if I need to get something off plex in the future. I learn so much in these forums!
Diesel fuel /kerosene worked well for me to remove residues other chemicals couldn't. 13+ years later no ill side effects
... Ended up using isopropyl alcohol and that worked. I believe it was on the list of approved acrylic chemicals.

I bonded my canopy to the non-Van's fiberglass frame/fairing on my RV-3B. I used 3M's 2216 B/A epoxy. The epoxy's datasheet said to use isopropyl alcohol to clean the acrylic. It worked fine and was compatible.

Appreciate the replies

I'm going to try both vegetable oil and eucalyptus oil. I think it may help on the residue but wonder if it can permeate the remaining tape? I may end up sanding the packing tape off to get to the residue under it. I do have 99% isopropyl alcohol, but haven't gotten a clear answer on whether it is as safe to use as 70%. Has anyone tried it ?

I'm going to try both vegetable oil and eucalyptus oil. I think it may help on the residue but wonder if it can permeate the remaining tape? I may end up sanding the packing tape off to get to the residue under it. I do have 99% isopropyl alcohol, but haven't gotten a clear answer on whether it is as safe to use as 70%. Has anyone tried it ?

I seem to remember using alcohol. I also remember using the wrong Goo Gone (not the citrus based) and ruined a wing tip light lens.
Ask around for canopy scraps. Best to test first.