
Active Member
I'm trying to get my RV4 signed off here in Germany, and now our world-famous authorities want a spec sheet for my brandnew, but 20 years old Pacesetter 200 wood prop. Is that company still in business or did they change the name / does some other company build the same prop today? It is that 68x69 prop that was mentioned in the stone-age manuals and Rvator's. If you ever think about building an Experimental in Germany........forget it :eek:) NO, I would do it again :D
I've got a Pacesetter 200 on my RV6A. Great prop, but unfortunately I've been told the company is no longer in business.

I have the single page spec sheet / torque guide that came with my prop. I don't have a scanner, but would be willing to fax it to someone in the US who has one so that they could email it to you.
Scratch the last part of my message. I just remembered that the fax machine in my office also works as a scanner.

PM me you email address, and I'll email you a scan in .jpg format tomorrow afternoon.