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Well Known Member
I'm looking at getting a P-Mag and just wondering who out there is running them and how many hours do you have on running one? Have you run into any issues?

I have a ElectroAir in my RV-4, and like it. But I'm thinking about the P-Mag for the 6 that I'm building.
Call Brad at E-mag Air, he can tell you.

When we spoke the other day, he said they have one customer with over 1500 hours on his P-mags. They recalled them so they could open them up to examine them. Apparently they didn't find anything unusual.

I know a number of people who are well past 200 hours now w/o any issues, including myself.
Call Brad at E-mag Air, he can tell you.

When we spoke the other day, he said they have one customer with over 1500 hours on his P-mags. They recalled them so they could open them up to examine them. Apparently they didn't find anything unusual.

I know a number of people who are well past 200 hours now w/o any issues, including myself.

Ditto...except >250
OK, this isn't what you ask, but I just started one for the first time about two hours ago. Have about 150 hours on an E-Mag on the right and now have a P-Mag on the left. Put it on as part of the Condition Inspection instead of rebuilding the Slick that was there. Already like it!

Bob Kelly
About 350 hours

Early troubles for sure but I hope (knock on wood) with the updates these days are behind us.

PMAG time

We have 498 hours on our PMAPs on our RV7a in two years. Running good, but then we have always updated them with latest SBs. 228 hours since last service bulletin and no issues. Running stong.
fine here too....

I've not one of the longest running users but I've almost 50 hrs on them now and about 25 since the last S/B.

A couple of issues prior to the S/B update, but NONE after. :)
Running smooooth as silk and hotstarts are as easy as cold ones. I really like them!

Brad has been great to work with and provides great customer care!

I'll probably install dual P-mags in my second RV as well and saw here on the VAF-pages that they'll give 30% discount until Sun'n Fun?
No info about this on their website.
Anyone knows if the 30% discount in in effect?
Just to throw this in the mix...I hope they are past these issues


The guy that wrote that, Marc Zeitlin, had way bigger problems than his PMags. The reason he replaced his conventional mags was because his engine vibrated so much it broke the case on one of them. Then he tries to blame Emag because he can't keep a working Pmag on his engine. Heck, they did better than the conventional mags. At least they didn't crack. Anyway, he made some suggestions to Emag and they considered them but went another way. That ticked Marc off and he took it personal. He may have even used terms like "I'm going to put them out of business" when talking about Emag. All I'm saying is weigh the source and in this case I recommend discounting Marc. BTW, Ramendala, I don't expect either of our post to last long here.
Just to throw this in the mix...I hope they are past these issues


The problem with the web is anyone can put up a page full of half truths and miss information up and people believe it.

I really like his line where he asks everyone reading his rant to, "PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE - distribute this message, or the link to this web page (and Mr. Cotner's and Mr. Read's messages) to any and all aviation related mailing lists, fora, and printed newsletters."

That sounds more like spam than someone trying to resolve an issue.

I couldn't agree with Charlie more. Zeitlin's comments about the E/P-mag were unfounded and unjustified. This is old news and has been discussed and dismissed as the rants of a person who is trying to blame someone else for his engine problems.

Frankly I'm surprised your post wasn't deleted as leaving that kind of information up on the web site can open VAF to lawsuits.
The problem with the web is anyone can put up a page full of half truths and miss information up and people believe it.

Yes, but is there a point by point rebuttle of the "facts" mentioned on that page.

For example, the issue this gentleman has with p-mags is the way the magnet is retained in the unit. Is he correct that the magnets are still simply epoxied into place?

Would be nice to see the emagair folks offer some sort of response to those claims.
This moderator isn't going to delete any posts but I am going to close the thread. If someone wants to follow up on the links that have been posted, they may do so, but nothing productive can come out of continued beating of this dead horse.
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