
Well Known Member
Don't hear of many issues these days. Are those flying with them racking up a lot of trouble free hours now? I have about 200 hours on mine and it's purring along just fine so far......:)
Almost ready for a second one and one of Bill's controllers but economics has me doing an IRAN on the old Slick one more (hopefully last) time.
Well, we've got 24.5 hours on the P-Mags on "Junior" (the RV-3) as of yesterday - flawless!

And the Valkyrie has 11 minutes on her brand new ones as of yesterday evening...also flawless! (both Slicks were ready for replacement, so it was time to pull the trigger on the P-mags)

I waited for about seven years of P-Mag growing pains before I got enough endorsements form folks I trust that the early issues had been worked out - I am now happy enough to be flying them on two airplanes.

Would love to know who has the highest time on their installation.

the Valkyrie has 11 minutes on her brand new ones as of yesterday evening...also flawless!

Just 11 minutes? Slacker!

I'm running dual P-Mags with 880 hrs over 5 years of flying. The first 225 hours or so were pretty painful with numerous failures and replacements, so I can't say that both units have 880 hrs on them, but in the last 600+ hrs they've been smooth running, quick starting and trouble free. I like 'em.
I'm running dual P-Mags with 880 hrs over 5 years of flying. The first 225 hours or so were pretty painful with numerous failures and replacements, so I can't say that both units have 880 hrs on them, but in the last 600+ hrs they've been smooth running, quick starting and trouble free. I like 'em.
When did you start out with yours? There's an ad here in the Classifieds for an E-Mag/P-Mag set (sn 574 and 575, from 2006) for sale. What's odd is that the ad is Closed... Did a Moderator want to snap those up for himself, or did the seller close the thread? Either way, it would be nice if there was an explanatory note in there saying why the thread was closed. [ed. When a person creates a thread, there is a box they can check to close it. Looks like that is what happened. dr]

I've emailed the seller, apparently they gave him a yellow light indicating that the position sensor was misaligned after his last flight, so he sent them back to eMagAir. Brad has checked them and says they're working properly, so they are en route back to the seller. The seller has lost confidence in them though.

The price was attractive, at least.
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Single P-mag on the Hiperbipe has 250 hrs - added a second (used) unit 10 hours ago.

The RV-8 has run dual (brand new) 113 series units for the last 60 hours or so. Much of that time on long cross country legs (3+ hours) in the summer.

No issues on any of them. I'm sold.
What's odd is that the ad is Closed... Did a Moderator want to snap those up for himself, or did the seller close the thread? Either way, it would be nice if there was an explanatory note in there saying why the thread was closed.

That is an option that a seller can chose when he or she posts an ad - they can post it and close it at the same time. Many people miss the point of the classifieds - they are to sell things, not open public debate on the merits of the item being sold - and post all sorts of opinions and other comments not relevent to the ad. Many sellers decide not to put up with that - it's nothing done by moderators!
I have one P-mag and love it! Starts like a car hot or cold! Uses cheap auto plugs as a bonus!

I am gonna wear out my other mag before upgrading to another P-mag.
I have 660 problem free hours on a dual P-Mag installation on my RV-7A...

Don't hear of many issues these days. Are those flying with them racking up a lot of trouble free hours now? I have about 200 hours on mine and it's purring along just fine so far......:)
Almost ready for a second one and one of Bill's controllers but economics has me doing an IRAN on the old Slick one more (hopefully last) time.
I'm about 2 years of trouble free P-mag use into it.

I turn the key....engine makes noise. Not much to report other than both P-mags have worked perfectly.

About 500 hours since new on 113 series one Pmag one Emag. Lots of early growing pains but trouble free for probably 300 hours +


150 hours on mine, and the Doll has never started easier, hot or cold. I love them, and believe they are the way to go!
Ordered dual Pmags on our IO-360 from Lycon, much to the behest of the establishment from some of the guys around our parts. No report but definately watching others intently.
880 Hours

No issues in 880 hrs on my pokey -9A. Tweaked the advance curve so they run really well lean of peak. Cheap car plugs from the parts store. Not a bad deal.

Brad has always answered my goofy questions with a smile.

Originally Posted by Snowflake
What's odd is that the ad is Closed... Did a Moderator want to snap those up for himself, or did the seller close the thread? Either way, it would be nice if there was an explanatory note in there saying why the thread was closed.

Hey guys, easy on Scott. The post was probably pulled because I committed to buy the two mags and I am not a Moderator.

Also, I did check them out with Brad at E-mag.
450 hrs

450 hours on my first pmag and the last 50 hours were with dual pmags. All ok for the last few years. When I flew from Seattle to Oshkosh, my carbed O 360 rv7 with dual pmags used less fuel than my friends rv7 FI 360 with dual Bendix mags. We have the same BA Hartzel prop and we flew together out and back!
I hate to be the lone stick in the mud, but I did have a problem recently that required sending my Emag back. Their customer service was terrific but naturally the airplane was grounded until the mag was fixed. I don't expect any manufacturer to be perfect but I do expect them to stand behind their product and EMag did. No complaints, just reporting a problem that was fixed properly and expeditiously. Even with the problem, I would purchase them again.

I hate to be the lone stick in the mud, but I did have a problem recently that required sending my Emag back. Their customer service was terrific but naturally the airplane was grounded until the mag was fixed. I don't expect any manufacturer to be perfect but I do expect them to stand behind their product and EMag did. No complaints, just reporting a problem that was fixed properly and expeditiously. Even with the problem, I would purchase them again.


Just to be sure - EMag or PMag Jeremy?
Hey guys, easy on Scott. The post was probably pulled because I committed to buy the two mags and I am not a Moderator.

Sorry, that was a misunderstanding on my part. I haven't advertised anything for sale here yet, and was unaware that it was an option to close the thread at the time you post the ad. Scott probably did that because he wasn't a frequent visitor to the site... The ad was his first post. That, and my paranoia about people trying to scam buyers on the Internet just contributed to a situation that was already "unusual" from my perspective.

Glad to hear you picked them up, that was an excellent deal!
Thank you!

I'd like to thank you all for your input. I have a little over 100 hours on mine and thought I'd wait until next CI to pull it and look for.....something? (using the Lycoming gear)

The BR8ES' came out clean but will change them anyway. I got some Iridiums from Rock Auto at under $7 each (received in 3 days to CA) and wondered what the gap should be - same as the regular electrodes? Is there any trick to gapping them, seems it would be prudent to be delicate with that little electrode?
Thanks again all!
EMag or PMag?

Well, every time I call them PMags, I get corrected that the new ones are all the same and are called EMags. I don't know why, when they went with offering only one model, they decided to change the name of the one every one wanted (PMag) to the one they were discontinuing (EMag):eek: Very confusing.

At any rate, the ones I am referring to are new and are self powering above 800-1000 rpm. They are EMags that used to be called PMags:D

Just like " the artist formerly known as Prince" maybe these should be " the mags formerly known as PMags" or "TMFKAPMag". Then again, that looks like it could be the name of an erupting Icelandic volcano:D never mind...

All best

Well, every time I call them PMags...

All best



The company is called E-Mag Ignitions. At one time they sold both an E-mag and a P-mag.

The P-mags have always had an internal generator capable of powering the ignition, should they lose ship?s power.

The E-mags were identical to the P-mags with one exception; they did not contain the internal generator.

The original idea was to install one P-mag and one E-mag. That way, in the event of an electrical failure, you still had one self-powered P-mag to get you home. What they found was that most people, myself included, paid a little more and installed two P-mags.

E-mag Ignitions stop production of the non-powered E-mag a year or two ago.

In simple terms, the company is E-mag and the ignition is a P-mag.
I understand the history and the specific differences in the models. I've been following them for a while. I suppose I let my frustration with what I consider an unfortunate change in naming convention come through. This discussion is serving to highlight exactly why I think it was an unfortunate choice. For the sake of absolute correctness I checked their website again it looks like the official name of the mag model I have is:


In my book that would make it an EMag P114-L4.

While they refer to the P model, I cant find the word PMag anywhere on their website anymore. Only the P114 model from the company EMag.

But I would agree: it SEEMS like they should be called PMags:D I did as you did Bill, and have two two model P114's

All best

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I have 260 trouble free hours on dual 114 P-Mags. Irridium plugs. RV-9, 0-320, 150HP, Mogas.

Planning to get one of Bills controllers when he sells enough of them to lower the price ;}
I guess you would recommend the iridium plugs? These can't be gapped - correct? They just go in and run and run.....? A friend has them in a dual lightspeed system and that's all there is to his. Been going for several hundred hours.
PMag- Iridium plugs

Iridium plugs can be gapped like others. I have not had to gap them.
Yes, they seem to run for ever. Have used wire electrode platinum plugs on Rotax engines for years. Iridium is harder and is supposed to last longer. Also gives a hotter spark.
Here is a web site with lots of information about them