For "flying" planes using P Mag ignition.....have you had any trouble with them?

  • No

    Votes: 8 44.4%
  • Yes

    Votes: 9 50.0%
  • If there was trouble, did it endanger the aircraft?

    Votes: 1 5.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well Known Member
I'm trying to get some information on the P Mags.
They are on my engine but the plane has not flown yet.

Would like to get an idea of how many have had trouble with them and how many are flying with them.
Are they having major trouble?

The last option, in the poll, should have read "Check here if trouble endangered plane"

Thanks! For input!

Can a poll question be edited?
Last edited:

I did not respond to your poll because you need some other options on there.

Like any new technology, they have had issues. The question is, do you have faith that they will resolve them and make a safe product?

In my case, I did have a problem on my 2nd flight, sent the P-mags in for the software update, and put them back on. In the 77 hours since I have had no issues and will continue to use them.

In fact, I'm getting ready to send them back for another hardware and software update.

It is your butt in the plane, if you don't wish to fly with them, don't.

I still have faith in E-mag Air and the product and will continue to fly behind them.
I agree with Bill here--we need more options. I don't have P-mags, but I do have one E-mag. Seems as if you are limiting this to one of their products. P-mags can (IMHO) have problems E-mags don't, given that they contain also an alternator. I think enough of my E-mag that I plan to add a P-mag sometime.

Bob Kelly
Yeah, I don't think the poll is going to achieve what you are looking for. You're going to have to just wade through all the comments for that. I think that when an ignition ceases to fire on takeoff or causes cht to go +500 deg, it has failed and "caused danger to the aircraft" pretty clearly. Others don't feel the same.

To those that acknowledge that there may be some known product problems but argue that emag will get them worked out. The critical question is will they become safe before someone is hurt or an airplane is bent. I'm not just speaking from the rock throwing side of the fence. I have 100 hours on P-mags and as I said before, my denial is over.
I installed a Pmag three weeks ago in my RV-4 and I could not me more pleased with it. The installation was very straightforward. My 180HP IO-360 has never started easier or run smoother. My EGT temps dropped and my fuel burn is noticeably less. I have one Slick Mag and one Pmag.

Rob Hickman
N401RH RV-4 Flying
N402RH RV-10 Finishing
Well...I guess Gallup can relax now. :D

I was trying to get some idea of the ratio of problems encountered with P Mags to those that are operating trouble free and the importance (personal opinion) of any trouble encountered.

Problems tend to get "more air time" than trouble free operation.
This can give the impression that there are serious problems, when actually there might not be any.

(998 flying trouble free, 2 with trouble...maybe not a problem, 820 flying, 180 with trouble....hmm...maybe okay for some, maybe not for me)

The comments are good for the problems, but give no idea of how many are flying P Mags trouble free.

I did restrict the options to P Mags because that's what I have and am interested in.

So....that's what I'm trying to find out so I can decide "should I leave the P Mags on or get a Slick & a Lightspeed?"

Thanks! For your inputs. I truly do value them and this forum, because I think the desire of its members is to share and help.

Now I'll see what I can do about my polling skills.
PMag Reliability

I have 200 hours on my PMags. I have made several updates to the software. I've had several issues, some potentially significant, but in the end I concluded that my installation was the major source of the problem. I did not install cooling blast tubes for the ignitions, and I had some problems on multiple - flight days (i.e. giving rides). Since installing the blast tubes, I have had no problems at all. I believe they no longer recommend blast tubes, but require them in the install manual. Please do so!
I would also recommend you upgrade your ignitions to at least the latest software release. It means you have to send them in, but there have been enough improvements I wouldn't fly without them.
Brad and Tom at E-Mag are spectacular and I can't say enough about their support.

Sebastian Trost
RV-7A (202 hours)
Cameron Park, CA (O61)

What model mags do you have? Mine are P113.

Mine are 113s. The software is various versions. I currently have the latest version in one and the second to latest version in the other one (never gave me trouble so I don't want to mess with it!