
Well Known Member
I am running dual P-mags and working on the wiring. Unlike traditional mags the P-mags do not require shielded wires. My Van's wire harness kit comes with shielded wires for traditional mags. In an effort to use as much of the harness wires as I can, is there any harm in using shielded wires? If I do use shielded wire, do I just ignore the shield or should the shield be grounded in some way? Thanks for the help.

No harm at all using your shielded wire and no harm grounding the shield wire, if you want but it isn't required.
Use the shield

I am running one P-Mag one my -4, and have used a shielded wire for this, connecting the wire to one side of the switch and the shield to the other side of the switch. At the engine the shield goes to ground on the engine close to the P-Mag. Works fine for me.
Let me understand this!

I am running one P-Mag one my -4, and have used a shielded wire for this, connecting the wire to one side of the switch and the shield to the other side of the switch. At the engine the shield goes to ground on the engine close to the P-Mag. Works fine for me.

So in the P-Mag manual where they show one pole of the switch going to a ground, you connect the shield to this pole and the other end of the shield gets grounded at the engine. Do I have this correct?

So in the P-Mag manual where they show one pole of the switch going to a ground, you connect the shield to this pole and the other end of the shield gets grounded at the engine. Do I have this correct?

Correct, that is what I did. The shielded wire effectively acts as two wires.
I am not quite sure what you plan to do, but do make sure you connect pin #1 to the engine case as the manual describes.