
Well Known Member
Just thought I would give my impression of the P-Mag I installed last week. Previously we had an E-Mag on the right and a Slick on the left. Now the Slick is looking for a new home (let me know if you need one!)

Anyway, today I made the 110 nm trip to Madison Co. I39 for Dana's fly in. On the way down, we stayed low, around 3500, because of the clouds. Not being in a hurry, we ran at around 150 mph TAS. Fuel flow was down by .4-.5 gph. Enough to make me happy, especially since that makes the total fuel savings 1.5 gph since the dual-Slick days.

Coming back, we climbed to the magical 8000' DA. Previously, I could see 186 or 187 TAS and today it was 191. Cylinder head temps seem to be up about 15 degrees to around 335 @ 150 & 365 WOT. EGTs are down a little at most settings, especially WOT climbout. No yellows on the monitor.

Idle is MUCH smoother, the only really noticeable change without looking at the gauges. My idle is set at 400 rpm and previously I would not pull all the way back except on final. Now I can just sit there and watch it tick over.

The payback is still fairly long, but it will eventually pay for itself. The satisfaction of flying a smoother engine, combined with my belief that the long term reliability is probably higher than what I pulled off, makes this a nice upgrade to an already great machine.

Bob Kelly