I Only wan' t the fron't part

Bolted to a Spitfire airframe of course..ha ha


The brit
very inspiring..

My father-in-law is part of this generation and flew everything from AT-6s to P-40s (and even some P-51 time), and was awarded the DFC for actions during a fully loaded C-46 emergency. A couple of years ago, he got the opportunity to get a ride in the front seat of a T-6 owned by Warbird Adventures. With over 3000 hrs of dual given in that airplane, he said it was like riding a bicycle! My mother-in-law is an equally awesome octagenarian in her own right with her roots and resolve based in her faith.

Pop just turned 89 yrs. old, Ma is 85, and I just love to be in their presence. Pop has a way of grabbing your hand when shaking it, in such a way as to put a young man on his knees. It's pretty funny to watch as he levels the playing field pretty quick!

Seeing this video inspires me to once again and always... take my hat off and salute our Greatest Generation! Here's to you, Pop!