
Well Known Member
I will be using oxygen, just trying to figure out the best place to mount the tank. Has anyone else carrying a tank with them? Would appreciate photos.
I will be using oxygen, just trying to figure out the best place to mount the tank. Has anyone else carrying a tank with them? Would appreciate photos.


I use O2 in my 7a and the 12. I have found that I am not as tired after a long flight eventhough I have not been flying a high at all. My attention
span and color pickup is at higher level. It only makes sense, we use 1/3
of lung sitting flying. Plus the lack of movement slows everthing else down.
A report done by the Airforce concluded that at night above 8000 O2
should be used. As to the 12 I mounted my E-bottle next to the fuel tank
with a small bracket to attach the bottle clamp. If I can get my camera to down load onto my computer I will send a picture. Have not had much luck with it.

Queen Creek Az. 5AZ3
Hey, Western Australia is even bigger than Texas! Merry Xmas guys, and happy building for 2012.
Just noticed the proximity of the two discussions - "Oxygen in RV-12" and "Sudden Tank Leak."

Be sure to mount the oxygen system well above the fuel tank! Wouldn't want an oxygen leak and a fuel leak to create a hazard.
