Chino Tom

Well Known Member
Anyone have any pictures of Oxy bottle installs? For me, now is the time to install nutplates for the bottle clamps as I'm installing the baggage compartments. Thanks in advance.
If you can keep your oxy bottle in the cockpit within in reach I would recommend that. I have an RV3 and plumbed mine to the back side of the seat. Problem is if you forget to turn it on you have to land.
Been there, done that
Excuse me, I forgot

tin man said:
If you can keep your oxy bottle in the cockpit within in reach I would recommend that. I have an RV3 and plumbed mine to the back side of the seat. Problem is if you forget to turn it on you have to land.
Been there, done that, Tom RV3
Good Point, make it a checklist preflight ITEM. We all have been there, done that. :D G
Bottle bolted to the seat back.

I used the Aerox brackets and bolted it directly to the seat back. This keeps the bottle out of the way and makes use of some wasted space.
Oxy bottle

In my six, it is bolted to the right side baggage panel directly behind the passanger seat. I can reach it in flight. The -8 is a bit more of a challange.
so far I'm considering the rear baggage with the bottle bolted vertical to the side panel (right side). Will post picture later.

For what it's worth file....

Here is a picture of what I came up with. You can't really stand the Oxy bottle staraight up, so I canted it back a bit. Plenty of room to plug in the hoses. This would be a tough refit, but if you are building, doublers and nut plates are easy to install. For this reason, I'm considering making the side panels of the baggage compartment removable (haven't decided on the model of ELT yet and this would ease install). I"m fortunate that I already have the Oxy. The clamp holes are 4" apart, and the clamps are 5 1/2" from each other. Can't get the lower clamp to low or it will interfer with the seat belt mounts. The white tube in the picture is a fishing/airshow umbrella holder. It is from a trailer supply house and comes with PVC mounting brackets already installed. Still working on the install, but everything will weigh less than 3 lbs! T
