Looking for someone who would split ownership of an RV-6A/7A or RV-12iS who keeps it at either Paine Field (KPAE) or Harvey Field (S43) here in the Seattle area. I love these airplanes but am not interested in building one, just flying one. Being an electrical engineer, I love gadgets, especially pushing the buttons on Dynon or Garmin avionics. I have been a pilot since the late 70s and am certificated for single engine sea and land with an Instrument rating. Since I'm retired, I'm very flexible on use of the airplane.

Key words: ownership, partnership
Too bad you are not a little farther south. I would be interested in an RV partnership with the plane based at Auburn, Crest or Thun Field. Since I’m still working a retired guy like you would be perfect as a partner.
Greg, welcome aboard the good ship VAF:D
Thanks Mike. Sorry so long in coming. Still trying to understand how to use this site. Your the curmudgeon and I'm just an analog man trying to live in a digital world! VAF is a great site which I'm only just starting to explore. It took a long time for me to embrace the experimental airplane world. I think I finally got it!

Peace, Greg
Too bad you are not a little farther south. I would be interested in an RV partnership with the plane based at Auburn, Crest or Thun Field. Since I’m still working a retired guy like you would be perfect as a partner.
Hi Josh,

Sorry this reply is so long in coming. I'm still learning how to use the site. It took me 4 days just to figure out how to find my posting! I live in North Seattle so Harvey or Paine are really my best options. Once we get back to normal the commute to airports south will be a real drag. However, you have some a great EAA chapter at Thun Field which is more of a buider's group so I'm sure an opportunity will happen eventually. If you haven't contacted EAA chapter 326, contact Ken Finney whose contact info is on their website. He has access to a lot of builder info and this is a chapter you definitely need to belong to.

Peace, greg
Surprised the -9A isn't on your approved list, as it is in some senses in the middle of your preferred aircraft set...
Thanks Greg. Yes I am a member of EAA 326 although I have only attended one meeting so far. Good luck in finding a partner!