[email protected]

I purchased an RV 6 and found that a couple of the 3/8 bolt holes were oversized on the back side by about a 1/16". Also, some of the holes have a little play in them. Has anyone had this issue? Can the hole be reamed and an oversized or next size bolt be used? Is there an edge distance limit from the bolt hole edge to the Spar edge? I'm looking for repair options?
I'm assuming this issue is associated with the other thread you posted about wanting to buy a set of wings.


You are doing a deep dive into the structural integrity of your RV. Please seriously consider extensively documenting your situation then consulting with Vans engineers to explore how this problem can be resolved. This is a safety of flight matter and calls for more than "internet engineering".......
The NAS bolts in the kit are close tolerance bolts and they should have zero play at all. As matter of fact you have to mallet them into the holes. Be very careful and contact Vans tech support
This issue definitely has potential to end in an NTSB report. Please consult with Vans engineering.
Some were OS from factory on my RV-4

My RV-4 kit came with a couple OS holes/bolts in my spar and splice plate from the factory (likely to get an in-spec condition), and were marked as such, with supplied OS bolts. As others have mentioned, all the spar carry through bolts are NAS spec bolts and should have no play at all. they are drilled/reamed to have close tolerance fit and almost interference fit. In your case, depending on edge distance and a few other factors, Van's tech may/may not agree..they have a liability. At my day job of 43 years, I have specialized in this type of work on airliners. You are close by, and I may be able to assist/advise in getting the holes "true and round" to spec as we say. This not a job for a "bigger drill bit" and it will be fine.
Reamer vs hammer ?

The steel doublers are not perfect. The aluminum phlogiston spar and fuse bulkhead from Vans is not perfect. Lets debate piloted .375 reamer used in assembly and with steel doublers indexed , vs the use of a sledge hammer 😱
The steel doublers are not perfect. The aluminum phlogiston spar and fuse bulkhead from Vans is not perfect. Lets debate piloted .375 reamer used in assembly and with steel doublers indexed , vs the use of a sledge hammer ��

It is not a good idea, and not debatable in my opinion.
The design spec of the spar bolt holes is for a net fit to the bolts.
Meaning, if the bolts are .375, the hole is intended to be .375, which is a net fit and will require driving the bolt through the parts stack up.
If there is a perceived misalignment, and a .375 reamer is run through the stack up, anywhere that material gets removed, will be a bigger diameter than .375 and there will no longer be an interference fit to the bolt.
Thanks Steve

Steve,Your opinion is certainly respected. I have long wondered how bolts, aluminum spars and bulkead sheet all stretched and smeared by force constitutes a good solution. That said, I have pounded them in and out on a couple of RV’s, So we will carry on .

1/16" oversize hole is indicative of horrible workmanship in other areas.
For installing the bolts
some undersize bolts with heads cut off and generous taper on end. AN6will be about .003 smaller than NAS' Space permitting weld a t handle on one and an L handle on another.
I would install the smaller bolts in all but one hole and then replace them one at a time with the final NAS.
Make sure you’re using the proper bolts. Spars should have close tolerance bolts. If you’re just rolling with standard size bolts, just get the correct bolts.