Tom Delaney

Well Known Member
Good Morning!

Van's technical support has informed me that the recommended range of the hole size for this rivet is 0..129 - 0.136". I ended up with one being 0.140" and was wondering if there is a recommended larger rivet for this situation. My email to Van's asking this question has not been answered and I had no luck with the search function.


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Sorry I didn't give much information as I rushed out the door this morning to the day job!

The hole location is the aft section of the horizontal stabilator skins that overlap and where the anti-servo hinges attach. Full disclosure is I messed up the overlap of the skins so I removed a bunch of rivets and was left with a few holes that were oversize.

Correction: Original rivet was LP4-3 not an LP3-4 (sorry for the mix-up). Therefore, what would be the next size blind rivet above the LP4-3 and where would I obtain them?


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While browsing on Spruce's website, see if you find the Oops Rivets. They are helpful for this purpose as they are just a little over-sized to compensate for enlarging the holes on drill out. I forgot what their real name is ... so you might have to google the correct term to find them on AS.