I am impressed with the kids, bright happy, clean cut, well mannered and polite. The young lady with her big THANK YOU....the little lads and their cheesy grins.

Makes you glad some folk share the same commitment to child raising that we do.

So a job well done and not just the EAA folk either!
Lets encourage the kids

All the security and bluster at our airfields since the terrorists got us all running scared has effectively locked the next generation out. If you see a kid hanging about at the airfield, don't call the cops, call him/her over. Show that impressionable young mind your pride and joy. You may plant a seed that grows into a lifetime of joy and enthusiasm. Somebody did that for you. remember?;)

Great video.

Smiled for like 10 min

Really cool video, i was smiling for like ten minutes, Best moment is the girls face waiting for wheels to touch and not expecting the second bounce hehe:p;)

Cheers AJ
great vid

Reminds me of my first flight in a small plane and my first RV ride 2 month ago. Had pre :) and post RV grins :D !
Great job capturing the kid's genuine enthusiasm, marvel and wonder. Our club will have to do a young eagles day this summer.