In preparing the skins for my outboard leading edges I'm surprised not to find a step in the plans calling for slighthly breaking the very aft edges of the skins in order to form a tight lap seam against the main spar flange when riveted.
That technique has been specified and has served very well in several previous applications, most recently the top skins.
Is there any reason that the plans are not calling for this technique on the outboard L/E skins at the spar seam?
Thanks for any suggestions.
I can't speak for the RV-14, but I did not break those edges on my RV-10 leading edges or fuel tanks, and the alignment with the main skins is perfect.

The shape of the leading edge ribs seems to pull the skins so they are tight around the spar. Try fitting your leading edges to the aft wing section when they are just clecoed together and I expect you will see the same thing.
Hey Randy,

I don’t recollect breaking those specific edges. I do remember following directions more or less, and that trial fits dictated whether I adjusted. If the trial fit did not look good, I did break edges.