
Well Known Member
It's been a good year.

Who will be the first one to fly in 2010? It's gonna be cold here, 0F in the am, but I'm gonna head out to the airport and give it a go! It's a tradition I do over the years is to see how fast I can get in the air in the new year.

Who will be the first VAF member to log time and then record it here!

Your posted date & time is the official time keeper.

Let the first flights of 2010 begin!
Well it looks like I'm the first one to fly an RV in 2010? Bunch of hung over, fair weather flying, aviator wannabes! :D

Launched at 11:55am, lite snow, OAT 9F, at altitude, 5F. Very smooth air!
Sorry Larry

...I launched yesterday (the 1st) at 1600hrs NZ Daylight time for an hour of general stooging round and burning aviation credits.

Oh, it was a nice 25ish deg C as well so I had a bit of a thirst for a New Years beverage when I landed :)
...I launched yesterday (the 1st) at 1600hrs NZ Daylight time for an hour of general stooging round and burning aviation credits.

Oh, it was a nice 25ish deg C as well so I had a bit of a thirst for a New Years beverage when I landed :)

We need a referee call! You failed to post it! :p

That gives you a 6 hour penalty. ;)

You still win!
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I had intentions of bringing in the New Year with a flight but it is snowing with about a half mile visibility right now so that won't happen today.

I was out on the runway and it is hard as can be having dropped down to 12F last night and it will be near zero tonight, so it sure will be firm tomorrow. But is that NW wind cold....come-on global warming!! The situation is not fit for man nor beast.

This snow is very dry powder. If it doesn't pile up too much, maybe tomorrow I can crank the beast up and blow some of it around in a launch. Be one way to open a spot to land in. :)
I'm in the lead

I flew home from work this morning at 0715 hours Mountain time. The Sun wasn't even up yet!!!
Since My 9A isn't finished yet I did the next best thing, I went for a motorcycle ride. It was 36 degrees but fun anyway!
I wish. It just so happened that my time was up, so I had to pay my dues on the first day of the year with a nice quiet hike in a state park (Pedernales Falls) with the wife. We had fun... Woulda' been nice to fly, but every now and then the piper must be paid.
I flew my RV this afternoon! Winds 340@10G16. Good practice on a breezy day. 2010 started out just fine. :)
Louise and I launched both planes for some cloud-free fun about 1030 Central - I took up a neighbor who's Blue-Mountain equipped F-1 Rocket is now AOG until he gets something that will boot....and he wanted to look over my shoulder at the GRT/TT. I think he was working on his order forms soon after we landed.

nice day in Houston - I even flew at sunset to check out some runway lighting mods we are doing on our field. Pretty sunset.

In between - skinning the RV-3 fuselage!

A good way to start the year....

Brad (AZTAILWIND) broke ground on our flight to Sedona about 20 seconds in front of me at around 11:45am today. Great party and we got to check out an RV-6 in progress there. Then back again and off to a party for another pilot who's birthday is today. That's why we're so late logging the flight. On the other hand, I logged 2 hours in my unheated hangar this morning riveting the right elevator on my -10. So I get to log time in two books on 1/1/10.