
Well Known Member
I was wondering :

I'm building a -9A. We still have pre-close inspection here in Canada so I left the trailing edge of the elevators and rudder opened along with the rear spar of the VS and HS.

I got my wing kit, I'm now working on my first tank.

I had my pre-close inspection done so I'm closing up the emp. While closing up the VS & HS, I ran out of LP4-3! I thought I was fine. The elevators required none but the rudder needs 2 on the top rib.

Should there be any LP4-3 in the wing kit? I know I used 4 LP4-3 on the base of the rudder horn, where ther are marked as "optionnal". Is this why I'm out?

Can we get those from ACS?

Same here, my emp kit was about 4 short of them, I ordered a few more from Vans the next time I needed other parts. You'll be doing this frequently as you continue to build. Just put the emp aside for a bit, order the parts and continue on the tank.
You just need two to get you going again? Funny thing is the same thing happened to me on my horizontal stabilizer. I was short ONE. A fellow builder was kind enough to drop a few in the mail for me. I happen to have two left. PM me your address and I'll send them along.
You just need two to get you going again? Funny thing is the same thing happened to me on my horizontal stabilizer. I was short ONE. A fellow builder was kind enough to drop a few in the mail for me. I happen to have two left. PM me your address and I'll send them along.

Yep, only missing 2!

If you don't mind mailing to Canada, I'd take them. PM sent.
Order about 50 from ACS or Vans next time you make an order - you'll undoubtedly end up drilling a few out for one reason or another, and they are (relatively) cheap.
