
Well Known Member
Our trip to Belfast, ME began Wednesday morning. Of course there were hours of planning beforehand. I had initially planned to fly to Niagra Falls, NY and then over to Belfast but, the weather forecast up that way did not allow it. So the night before I laid out our new flight plan.




KHVC ? Hopkinsville, KY - We took off at 7:46 am and climbed to 7500?. We ended up climbing to 9500? to get over a cloud layer and stayed there for the rest of the trip to Ashland. I kept checking the weather at Ashland. I knew that it usually stays fogged in at times, because it is right on the river. I had already picked out two other airports just a little further in case I needed to go to one of them instead. Marsha decided to fly the plane for part of this leg, she even flew the pattern I took the control on short final and she stay on them just to follow my lead.



KDWU ? Ashland, KY - When we arrived at Ashland it was clear, so we landed and refuel. 1hr 40 mins. 13.6 gallons of fuel. We took off from Ashland about 40 minutes later. They are an hour ahead of us. 11:04 am takeoff. The takeoff picture to the north, below shows Kentucky on the west side of the river and Ohio is on the east side.




KUNV ? University Park, PA - 9500? worked out good so far so back up we went. After we were up and on the way, Marsha took the controls and flew some more. Everything went just as planned; we arrived at 1:00pm. We tied the plane down, went inside got the keys for the courtesy car. Our plan was to book a room for the night and go explore the town for a couple hours then come back to the airport and call for a shuttle to take us to our hotel. This was the plan, because if we continued on we would arrive at Belfast after the rental car company closed and wouldn?t have a ride to our hotel in Bangor. The lady working the front desk said that she thought she overheard someone earlier having a problem finding a room. That is when things started unraveling...


PYM after BST

A big surprise birthday party for Captain John. Thanks to all who came! ;)Missed VLAD and Turbo, though! 50 others did show up! ;););)
Our Trip part#2

The lady working behind the desk called the Holiday Inn Express to see if they had rooms available and they told her yes. I let her know that we would make a reservation through the internet, because we had a reward night to use for a free stay. I got on my phone and called the IHG reward center. They said that the Hotel was already completely booked for night. I told him that we just checked with the hotel before calling. He put me through to another person and he asked all the same questions only to tell me the same thing. He explained that the hotels only have an allotted amount of rooms that can be used for free stays and they had reached that number already. I told him thank you and then I got on my Hilton Honors app to see if there was a hotel near with rooms available and found that there was not. I travel a lot with work and have earned points that I use when traveling. I could have paid for a room at the Holiday Inn but it was still early and it wasn?t too late to hop in the plane and travel a little further. So I pulled out my laptop and started checking to see if I could make it to my next planned stop, KALB ? Albany, NY. It looked like it would be no problem. I still had 25.6 gallons of fuel and only needed to f ly another 1hr 18 mins maybe 15 gallons to get there with 10.6 gallons left. The weather was good, fuel was good, now for a hotel close to the airport. I called IHG rewards and they told me that there was a Hotel Indigo 1 mile from the airport and it had rooms available for reward stays. So far, so good.


I called the airport to check on fee for landing and parking. They told me that the landing fee was about $22 and the tied down fee would be waived with a 15 gallon fuel purchase. Done deal let?s roll! I checked with the lady behind the desk to see if I owed them anything and she said no.


We went back out to the plane and untied it, got in and contacted tower with our intentions. We were cleared for takeoff. We climbed up to 9,500? through the open spots around some puffy clouds and where handed off to New York Center.



This plan is going to work, or so we thought...
Wishing you Smooth air

Bobby thanks for coming. Enjoy the trip home and hope to see you and Marsha next year.
Our Trip part#3

About 10 mins into the flight, and about 7,500’, we get a call from ATC and he said “Albany was asking if I still had the courtesy car key”. OH NO! Yes, I did have the key and was headed back. As I got close, I was looking at my fuel and thought that I had better get some more. I was down to about 20-22 gallons and should have enough but better to have too much. The line guy met me at the turn off and ran up to get the key. Self-serve fuel was further down the taxiway. So we got 8 gallons of fuel and we were off for the second time headed to Albany. Back up to 9,500’ and as we got a little further than the first time the clouds were getting higher and not looking real good to the west. We climbed to 11,500’ and had to let ATC know that we were going to be doing a little dodging around the clouds toward the east.



I wish I had gotten a picture of the sky and the G3X screen, but I was a little busy and Marsha was a little nervous and we weren’t really thinking about pictures at that time. I remember seeing three red blobs on the screen pretty close and at about a 45 degree heading north-east. I started heading that way to get around them and the sky looked better in that direction. Well that worked and we got around the line of ****. It was smooth sailing from here. As we approached Albany we were given a couple headings to follow and was also given two traffic call outs. They were both SWA 727’s and both on final. We were on an extended downwind and were given clear to land and advised of wake turbulence. I stayed well back to avoid the wake turbulence and we landed just fine.





KALB – Albany, NY - We got the plane tied down and put the canopy cover on. We went inside and left our information with the lady behind the counter and asked her to call us the shuttle to the hotel. We snacked on the complimentary popcorn and drinks while we waited. The shuttle showed up in just a few minutes. The hotel was just a mile down the road.



Not sure why the little airplane is facing the wrong way in this picture, it should be facing Albany.


We dropped off everything and walked about 2 miles to Macaroni Grill for a good meal. We woke up the next morning, went to the airport, got 15 gallons of fuel and settled up our bill. The tie down fees are per day not 24 hours, so I still ended up paying $11 to land and $11 to tie down plus 15 gallons of fuel which knocked off the $11 for that day. I called clearance delivery and got all the details for takeoff cleared with them, we were ready to launch by 8:40. We were cleared to taxi right behind this guy.

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Our Trip part#4

The flight to Bethel was uneventful, with the exception that it was nothing but mountains and trees. (Marsha added the second half of that :)
We flew this leg at 7,500', well most of it.



Below is Okemo Mountain Resort near Ludlow, VT



People actually live down there



Below is Mt. Washington in New Hampshire. It is the highest peak in the Northeastern United States at 6,288 ft and the most prominent mountain east of the Mississippi River. The mountain is notorious for its erratic weather. Luckily not today. Before we got here ATC advised us that the safe VFR altitude for this area was 8,400', they also said that was just an advisory. we climbed to about 8,200' as we flew over because it wouldn't be long before we started our decent for Bethel.




0B1 – Bethel, ME - We landed 1hr and 13mins later and filled up with 22.5 gallons of fuel. We started our takeoff roll and just before wheels up I looked up and pulled the throttle back. Marsha said oh ****, what!
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Our Trip part#4

When I looked up I saw this huge Moose come running across the runway, he was coming straight for us OH NO, Marsha was screaming.

No not really, all I saw was that I had not latched the canopy. I taxied to the end of the runway latched the canopy and took off from that end of the runway. 10:27 - takeoff. The trip to Belfast was pretty bumpy under the cloud layer so I climbed to 5500’ for a smoother ride. Somewhere along the way we saw this windmill farm.






The fall colors were just getting started.


Belfast strait ahead



KBST – Belfast, ME – We arrived in Belfast 34 mins later. Dave gave me and another Dave, a ride to the rental car company. I got a car and headed back to the airport with the other Dave I got to meet his wife Linda (they flew in with their RV12, along with another couple in their 12).
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Our Trip part#5

While I was getting the car, Marsha took a few pics of the planes that got there before we did.




I like the one below best :)


We got the plane tied down and all of our stuff transferred to the car.

We then headed to Bangor, where we had a room reserved with points. Dave reminded us that everyone was planning to get together the next night at Young’s Lobster Pond. After getting checked in to our hotel, we started trying to find a place to eat. I wanted to find a seafood shack, they have them around Maine the way we have Dairy Marts at home. The girls at the front desk gave us directions to McLaughlin’s Seafood and off we went. Marsha didn’t really know what she wanted. I ordered fried clams, fries and potato salad. I got Marsha a lobster roll. We shared. Marsha was mad that I got the lobster roll, (a lobster roll is lobster meat mixed in a mayo type dressing, on a hot dog bun), because it cost $13. She just knew for sure that was way overpriced. She found out later that was the lowest price lobster roll we found on the whole trip.



We got a text from Dave and he said a lot of the people that had flown in were going to meet at Sea Dog’s for dinner. We heard there was a river walk in that area, so we went a little early to check it out. The river walk area was really nice. We got a few nice pictures and then went to the restaurant to meet everyone. I am no good at remembering names, I wish I could. It was nice getting to meet people that I have only seen on VAF website. I hope to see you guys again, maybe at Sun n Fun.




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Our Trip part#6

The next day Marsha and I spent exploring Baa-Ha-Ba (Bar Harbor) and Acadia Park. It was an hour drive from the hotel; everything is an hour drive, Belfast ? Bangor - Bar Harbor. I took the picture below on the way there.


We walked around Baa-Ha-Ba and checked out the gift shops. There was one cruise ship in the Ha-Ba.





Before we left we had lunch at Cherrystones. I had cherrystone clams cooked in a wine sauce with jalapeno peppers and Marsha had a salad.


After leaving Baa-Ha-Ba we traveled through Acadia Park and got a lot of nice pictures. We left the park and headed to the only visible lighthouse in the area Bass Harbor.




Our Trip part#7

Here are a couple pic from the top of Cadillac Mountain in Acadia Park and some pics from Bass Harbor.







By the time we finished all of this there wasn’t enough time to go back to the hotel so we headed to Young’s Lobster Pond in Belfast to meet up with the Fly-In guys.
On the way to Belfast for dinner, we saw a few interesting sites and we came across another lighthouse, Fort Point Lighthouse.




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Our Trip part#8

We were amazed at Young?s Lobster Pond, this place is awesome! The place is a barn, where the lobster boats come to and unload. There are holding bins lining both sides of the ground floor. The lobsters are sorted by soft shell or hard shell. The front part on one side is where you place your order and it is prepared right there. We were told that this is one of the last few places like this. Years ago there were a lot more.







I got to meet a few more people I know from VAF. We sit with a couple from North Carolina; they just finished Phase 1 recently and wanted to get more time on the plane before flying that far. One RVer got a 4 lb. lobster, that thing was huge!



I got to meet everyone?s favorites Russian ? Vlad, I also saw Turbo but never got to talk to him. It was so nice getting to talk to Vlad, he greeted me and commented that he really like my website, it was like we had known each other for years.



That was a full day, back to the hotel.
Our Trip part#9

Today was the actual Fly-In day. We got there about 9am and when we walked through the gate Vlad was moving his plane in front of a Cloudhopper. A Cloudhopper is an experimental single place hot air balloon. Vlad was going to use his prop blast to inflate the balloon. They got it inflated and where going to do a tethered flight but the winds where just a little too much, so they deflated it and put it away.



Marsha had to get her picture with the VAF celebrity :)


We walked around a little. I wanted to fly to Eastport, before we left to come home and the next two days the weather wasn’t going to be very good, so if I was going to fly, it had to be today. Eastport is the furthest east airport in the USA. If the weather was going to be good the next couple days then I would have spent the whole day at the Fly-In. So we prepped the plane and we were off!




In the picture below is a field with rows of trees, it looked like. We could not figure out what that was all about, we saw a few fields like this. If someone knows let me know.


Below is where we where headed, Eastport. The jagged blue line is the border of the US and Canada.


The terminal building could use a little work, mainly some bee control, Marsha was going to go in but the bees kept her out.


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Our Trip part#10

We made it to Eastport and refueled then we flew down to Baa-Ha-Ba airport and around Acadia Park-Cadillac Mountain. I wanted to fly around some of the lighthouses out on the islands but Marsha didn’t want any part of flying out over all that water. The picture below is what I wanted to tell her, but I didn't. I usually do my best to keep her happy :)
It is right there in front of her every time I tun it on.


Can somebody tell me what these are?







I did get to fly by the Bass Harbor Lighthouse that we visited yesterday on the ground. It was a little bumpy and Marsha did her best to get a picture. That was enough flying around Maine, so back to the fly-in at Belfast.



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I'm taking a wild guess here...the row of "trees" in the open field looks like Hops and th circles in the water, fish farm maybe?
Our Trip part#11

We got back and there was a helicopter giving rides, people everywhere talking airplanes, and food vendors serving up lunch. There was a birthday cake in Dave’s hanger. Marsha headed to the restroom and as I was walking past Dave’s hanger they were handing out awards. They motioned me over, if Marsha hadn't walked away she would have been in the picture also. They presented us with the Furthest Distance Flown Award. The award itself says Outstanding Aircraft, so I’ll call it my Furthest Distance Flown Outstanding Aircraft Award, thank you very much :)






Marsha and I got a burger and headed over to Dave’s hanger to eat. There was a girl singing country music in the hanger across from Dave’s, she was really good. We walked around for a while and looked over some really nice aircraft and hangers.




A bunch of the guys were starting to leave because the weather for Sunday and Monday wasn’t supposed to be too good.


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Nice write up!

Hey Bobby......thanks for the great trip write up. Man....the visual of the fried clams really got my glands salivating:). Beautiful photos of my New England homeland..... I get fried clams every time I travel up there. When I met you at Triple Tree about 3 years ago your airplane was still painted like really looks great with the new coat of makeup!!!
Great Adventure!


Thanks for sharing your adventure. That is a great part of the country.
I love your airplane. I think it is one of the prettiest RV's I've seen and an avionics package to match. Awesome. My wife wishes I had bought a blue plane... I am based on an uncharted private strip 41nm east/southeast of KHOP.
White House, TN. I hope to run into you sometime and make your acquaintance.

Blue Skies and Tailwinds,

I am told there is a good lobster shack within walking distance of the Bar Harbor Hancock County airport. I believe it's called Lunt's Gateway Lobster Pound.

Going to make a quick trip up there some Saturday soon.

Thanks, Bobby we had a good time there as well. Your wright up and pictures are much better than anything we could have done. I think everyone should take a trip like this at least once in their life and I am glad to have found an old style ice house like the one on the north shore of Belfast harbor. There are very few of them like that still around. I hope that they will stay in business for some time to come. My only regret that I took away from this year is that I hope we don't overload Dave with work for those years to come.
Yours most truly, R.E.A. III #80888
Our Trip part#12

Here are a few more pictures from the fly-in



Here is a painting that was in one of the big hangers


We were hoping to leave Monday but the weather looked like it was going to have to be Tuesday. We still had more vacationing to do anyway...

We got up Sunday and went to find a church to attend. We found First Baptist Church of Bangor. It is a very old church and very beautiful.




After Church we went exploring around Bangor. We found a large statue of Paul Bunyan. She is hard to see, but Marsha is almost as tall as the base.


After that we went looking for Stephen King?s house, yes he lives in Bangor. He has a very beautiful house and neighborhood. The first picture below is his and the next one is one of his neighbor?s house.



Sometime during the day we went back to the hotel and I started working on this trip report, I didn?t know it was going to take this long to finish it. But it?s fun remembering all the details. I?m glad that everyone is enjoying it.
Our Trip part#13

After a few hours it was time to explore some more. The girls at the front desk downstairs said that the Bog Walk was really neat, so Bog Walk it is! It is a really nice place to walk/hike. It was a little on the muggy side, kind of felt more like home. But it was a nice place.





Monday the weather was like it was forecast over cast and rainy, not a fly day. Tuesday was looking overcast and foggy in the morning with skies clearing around noon or at least in my mind that is what was going to happen. So if you?re a pilot, what do you do on a rainy day in Maine, before a long flight home? You go to the theater and see Sully ? a movie about a commercial airline pilot that lost both engines and had to land in the Hudson. Good movie!


After the movie we did a little shopping and then back to the hotel. I worked on the trip log some more. Later we started looking at reviews for a good Lobster restaurant for Dinner. Last night in Maine, I had to eat Lobster one more time. We weren't really finding what we wanted in Bangor. We did find a few that sounded nice in Bar Harbor, which was kind of far. Then we found one a little before Bar Harbor that sounded exactly what we were looking for. So off we went. Union River Lobster Pot, Ellsworth, ME ? We hit the nail on the head.





Our Trip part#14

Tuesday this was to be the last day of our vacation, at least we hoped we would be able to depart sometime today. We don?t have to be back to work until Thursday morning but we really wanted to get home today. We got up at 7am and were ready to leave by 8am. These where a few of the airports along our route.




We arrived at the Belfast airport at 9am. We got everything packed into the plane and ready to go. I went inside the terminal building and pulled out the computer to check the weather. It wasn?t looking real good, visibly was improving but the ceiling was about 1200?. I went out and wiped all the dew and bugs off the plane. Back into the terminal to check the weather, still about the same. It looked like it should be better by 2pm, I was really hoping it wouldn?t take that long.


I decided to go ahead and take the rental car back. The rental car company was 1 mile down the road, I planned to walk back but the guy there gave me a ride back. Check the weather again. Not changing much. About noon I found that an airport 35 miles to the west was starting to report scattered clouds at 1500? looking outside it still looked overcast at 1500? at Belfast. It looked like scattered clouds along our route and at our 1st fuel stop. I told Marsha if we can make it 35 mile west of us we could climb above the clouds and should be fine from there. That was it, we had a plan. We got in the plane and taxied out to the runway. It was starting to look lighter to the west. We did our run-up and taxied out for takeoff. As we lined up on the runway and looked out in front of us, there it was. About 1500? and 2-5 miles off the end of the end of the runway, a large clearing in the clouds. I pointed to it and told Marsha, that is exactly what we are looking for. It could not have been any better.






Great trip report - really liked your photos & writeup. We ended up with a great feast back here in NJ with delicious lobsters "air lifted" from Belfast, ME. What a great treat after a wonderful flyin.




Our Trip part#15 THE END

The rest of the trip home was very nice. It was hazy but the clouds where gone. We didn’t stay on the ground at our fuel stops very long, daylight was burning. This was the first fuel stop, Pittsfield, MA





This was after taking off from the second fuel stop, Mifflin County, Reedsviile, PA



By the time we got to Ashland, KY and refueled the sun was getting low. Another hours and a half of flying and we’d be home.



Back in the plane and we’re off. Marsha has only flown at night locally only a couple times. She started asking me about not being able to see after it gets dark. I told her I could land and let her out but I was going home :) She decided to stay with me. As we passed south of Lexington and about an hour from home the sun disappeared below the horizon.



I have to say Marsha has done great on such a long trip. She has done a lot of first time things flying on this trip and I don’t think she got scared except while we were flying over the water. I think she will be ready to fly almost anywhere now. We land at home at 7:45pm local. We flew 7.3 hrs on the way there, 1.6 hrs local while there and 6.4 hrs home of which 0.5 was night. This was my longest cross county flight and I got to do it with my best friend, my wife :)
Thank you to everyone that has taken the time to read our trip report, I really enjoyed letting everyone know how much fun we had on our Vacation Fly-in to Maine.
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Belfast Me

It was great to meet you and your wife at the flyin. Your web site was a great help during my build. Fun to meet the human on the other side of the site! Thanks for posting your trip.
Come next year!

Bobby and Marsha! You timed your vacation right it was a pleasure to meet you at Belfast! It took me 6.3 hours to get to Belfast via VT/Canada/Red Pine and I was dead serious to claim the longest flight prize but you beat me by the whole hour good job guys. :D

Vlad, just a little later on your trip and you would have gotten it from Alaska!
Glad we got to meet you! Remember us if you fly though western Kentucky :)