My wife has not been to Oshkosh for the past few years, but this year I wanted her to attend for a couple of reasons. One, it was was going to be our fortieth anniversary and I wanted to spend it with her. And two, I have been thinking about building an RV 14A for the past few years, but I wanted her to see one and sit in one to see what she thought. Mitch Lock helped us out. We climbed into the 14 and when I closed the canopy, she said I love it, you just need to buy it honey! I am a procrastinator and she knows it. She also knows how badly I want to build an aircraft. So when I started my well......I don?t I started to open the canopy, she just looked at Mitch and said ?You need to sell him an airplane, and I have our checkbook along and can write you a check right now!?. Mitch just smiled at me and said ?Well, I guess I know who to talk to on this deal.? While I was filling out the order forms, my wife said that Mitch gave her a very sincere thank you, not for the sale, but for being so wonderfully supportive to her husband! It was an Anniversary and Oshkosh that I will never forget! And if there is such a thing as RV Wife of the Year, I would like to nominate my wonderful and loving wife Shari!!!
Congrats Rick!! Both on the anniversary and the new kit. Good to see you and catch up with you this year at OSH.

Bring the checkbook again next year, it will be engine and prop time!

We still need to get you up for a -10 ride...

Similar Story

Congratulations Rick and Shari!

Our story is very similar. First time we attended Oshkosh, our anniversary that week, Mitch Lock allowed us to climb in the -14A, and the better half was telling me to do it! First kit was ordered at Oshkosh after climbing out of the -14A.