
Hi Dave,

Glad they finally shipped for you I can’t wait to see your wing building pictures!

Almost there….
Yes I built the fuselage and tail before wings, only thing remaining on it is the windshield when a bit warmer. All FG, wiring, engine and panel done.
Fuse looks great. Love the aluminum skirt around the canopy, and the P-car reflection in the polished aluminum.
Looking great! Seeing this pic reminds me of a promise I made to myself... If I ever build another RV, I will be sure to complete the wheel pants, gear fairings, and lower intersection fairings BEFORE I put the wings on. Much easier access! Of course mine's an A model, so YMMV.

Build on.
Only $772 to get an entire wing kit shipped?
My lowest shipping quote to get just a new style engine mount and nose gear is about $1,700!
Nice sheet metal work my friend.... Looking Good. So you built the fuselage before the wings. OK. Show there is no one sequence. No worries the wings are easy. You will pound those out in no time. I am sure they will look as pretty as your fuselage. I wonder what the neighbors think. Have any commented to you..."What is that?"
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