
I'm New Here
RV'ers, Good evening from the southeast coast,

I, like many others, have seemingly been bitten by the proverbial RV BUG. However, in interest of keeping this short and to the point, I am concerned that I may not fit in the cockpit and be able to comfortably fly the aircraft. I have made a couple of connections here at the local airport (SAV), one with an RV-10 and one with an RV-8A (Tricycle gear). The problem, after being allowed to sit in the 8 (that should accomidate 6'4") I found myself eye level with the tubular framework that the sliding canopy mates to and when the canopy slid forward...well let just say that I am not that flexible these days and I have a new knot on my head to show for it. Oddly enough, I didn't fit in the RV-10 either. I must be one of the lucky ones with a taller torso than most (I fall in the 6'3" area.)

This, finaly, leads me to my questions:

-Are there any mods from the factory that address this problem (that actually work?)
-Is there anybody out there that has any experience with this problem, and is there a solution short of making a bubble in the canopy? (I'm sure that would turn some heads)
-If you make these it still possible to fly a passenger...say larger than a five year old?

Please be kind as this is my first post and not fitting into this amazing aircraft has left me a little discouraged. I was really looking forward to building and flying an RV-8.

Thank you for your time in advance.
Wanna-be-RV-8 Driver

Welcome to VAF!

There's the "tall pilot mod" from the factory, that basically puts the seatback at a lower angle.

Also, checkout the Show Planes fastback mod for the RV-8...specifically the canopy.

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Also consider that seating position and CUSHION can be modified somewhat for taller individuals. I think you could make it in a -8 without too much trouble.
Get a thinner seat cushion

If you are especially long in the torso for your height, you can probably order a thinner seat cushion - talk to the folks at Classic Aero Designs and I'm sure they can do it.
The normal RV-8 cushion is pretty thick to fit into a deep well, so it seems like it would be straightforward to make it thinner and lower your bottom.

If that doesn't seem like it will do it, then go to the tall pilot option.
The tall pilot option normally just adds leg length (I think), but allowing the seat back to recline more would lower your head - so you may just have to play with where to anchor the bottom of the seat back to the floor. It is attached with a segment of piano hinge so, although there is an established position for it, you can change the location when you build.
Hi Keith.....

.....and welcome on here. I have a -6A and have accomodated a gent who was 6' 5" with everything but one bolster removed. He had to duck as the slider forward frame passed over his head but then had enough room for a headset and about 1" clearance:eek:

I'm not far from you and would be glad to fly down and let you fly mine. Jenny and I have been looking at houses at Eagle Neck and Barbour island.

-Are there any mods from the factory that address this problem (that actually work?)
-Is there anybody out there that has any experience with this problem, and is there a solution short of making a bubble in the canopy? (I'm sure that would turn some heads)
-If you make these it still possible to fly a passenger...say larger than a five year old?

Please be kind as this is my first post and not fitting into this amazing aircraft has left me a little discouraged. I was really looking forward to building and flying an RV-8.
Might I suggest you get back in that RV-8(A), but remove the bottom seat cushion entirely (might require the 5th strap unthreading through the cushion). Are you still too tall?

I am 99% sure you will now not be able to see out, and have lots of room, and can therefore be accommodated by just adjusting the build in that one area ;) And that's before you look at the tall pilot option...

We have the standard Van's cushion, and I use a thin cushion to sit a bit higher... but then I am "vertically challenged" :eek:

Andy & Ellie Hill
What have you flown in that you fit into?

Like the others have said, with a bit of planning you can build the plane to fit you and there are tons of options. If you know the owner, ask him/her to remove all of the cushions and sit on the floor. If you fit, then it's simply a matter of getting a cushion built for your height. If you don't fit I would really be surprised.

Please report you findings here. This question gets asked a lot. I'm no help with this problem as I'm 5'10'' and my seat is really thick and firm and the rudder pedals are pulled in to the second notch. I can't really imagine someone not fitting. I suppose there are people tall enough to be too tall to fit but then I wonder what they trained in.
8's have a really deep well for the seat, making for lots of adjustment room. I'm 6'2" with a somewhat short torso for my height. My final seat cushion is ~7" thick at the back. It's only 3" or so at the front and is still a "bucket" seat. You can customize the wedge that fills in the back part of the bucket for your own height. If it's thinner, you get more head room and your legs are bent a bit more--providing more leg room. can call Van's...

...Marketing Support group. Van has several employee demonstrator pilots who are quite tall. Ken Scott is one, maybe you could ask for him if you decide to call.

Another thing you can start with is "your dimension", as in, sit in a chair, have someone measure your seated height from the compressed seat cushion to the top of your head. Then add whatever dimension for the headset that sits on top of the 'ol noggin.

With this information, the factory guys might be able to help in determining if there is a clearance or an interference fit issue with your specific concern.
I'm 6'3" and most of my height is in my torso (30" inseam). I use a single seat cushion that is about 2-3" thick uncompressed and I have 4" clearance to the canopy when closed.

As others have said, try and get back in that -8A but with fewer cushions. I would be amazed if you didn't fit.

Man! What a great group of folks we have here!!!

I have to say that I have always been impressed buy the people involved in aviation. We always seem to be right there with a helpful story, idea, or a general pat on the back to say "keep up the good work." How incredible is it that I can post a few simple questions here as a newbie, and be met with so many helpful suggestions and answers. I guess what I am trying to say is THANK YOU!! If for nothing else than restoring my hope that this may still be an option. I am still very much in the beginning stages of even trying to figure out how to create the money and time to build this amazing airplane. :D

In response to a few of the replies:
--As a former CFI most of my time is in a C172 from N - SP. In this format I have to adjust the seat to its lowest "height" setting. In that position there is no need for any "recline" in the back of the seat.
--The pilot who was gracious enough to let me sit in his aircraft was in a bit of a hurry that particular day and I didn't wish to hold him up any further than I aready had, and he didn't offer up any insight that this seat issue could be adjusted without the "tall" pilot option from Van's. Probably more of what I heard as a newbie than his unwillingness to share any further thoughts on my problem.
--While I kind-of had my heart set on the sliding canopy option...the "flip-top" option may be the best (and most comfortable) option as it takes that forward canopy framework out of the line of sight. I was able to view a few pics from your replies and I think that I might be sold on the "flip-top" option.
--I will make an effort to contact this guy again and see how willing he is to make these changes you have sugessted in an effort to see if I can fit.(at the risk of being a real pain in the rear, as I have no idea waht it takes to do these things). One of the things that I remember about the seat was that there seemed to be little if NO recline in the seat back (way uncofortable for me). If that is successful I will most certainly post my results for the benefit of others in the same situation.

If I didn't make it clear enough before, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. My experience with these forums is the lack of answers and people willing to help. You folks have been great. If this is any indication of what it is like to belong to the "Van's Family" then count me in...where else does someone offer to fly down and take you for a ride...incredible!!!! Looking forward to more hanger talk.

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I have an RV-8.

Recently, I hauled a friend down to a nearby airport to pick up his Baron. He is "5ft.20in." tall as he put it:p and weighs 250 lbs.

He fit reasonably well in the back seat although his knees were pretty much up to the canopy slide track. We were even an inch or so forward of the aft cg. limit.

I have an angle valve 200 hp. Lycoming which helped the cg.

I have no doubt that you can build it to fit.