
Well Known Member
So, I am building my -10 and enjoying the build process a LOT! More than I thought I would to be honest. There is something extremely relaxing and enjoyable about building that I just didn't expect to be there as much as it is.

This plane is being built for me and also for my family.. This will be my minivan, and I mean that in a good way. I look forward to flying it but the mission for this plane is to take trips with the family.

I'm only in the Empennage stage and already thinking about my next project =)

I like the idea of a single seat, man over the CG style aircraft. My very own "fighter plane" that I can use to tool around the sky and just have fun in. Maybe as my traveler when it's just me.

That makes me think RV-3. Or does someone else have another suggestion? Another non-vans aircraft maybe?

I like the idea of a -3 but I know very little about it and have no tail dragger experience. Something I'm pretty sure I will need to get in order to get into a "fighter plane" one man over the CG style aircraft..

Firstly, Compared the -10 is the -3 easy to build? I have to think the -10 is easier because of all the match drilling.. They do everything for you! Seriously there seems to be a lot of "put tab A in slot B" with the -10 plans. Vans did a great job with them.

The -3 being a lot older seems like they send you plans and a shovel and point you to a pile of bauxite.. heh.. Read: much more difficult.


PS I fully intend to finish the -10 before I even start on the next project but I just like to explore options..
If you work the RV-10 build all the way to the end, you'll find that you have most of the basic skills to build a -3....but then you'll learn a LOT more about how airplanes are really made and how to solve building riddles by doing the -3. In my opinion, building a -3 is a perfect SECOND project for somoen who enjoys building and wants a challange. I built my RV-8 in a little more than 1,000 hours (it was a QB). The -3 took me and Lousie about 2,400 people-hours. Yes, it is more primitive, but solving problems is the fun part for many. And the plans for the furnace to reduce the bauxite to aluminum aren't that bad.... ;)

In terms of other single-seaters, I have flown the Cassutt, Panther, the 90% Supermarine Spitfire.....oh, and the Subsonex (have to get the Onex next time I am in Oshkosh), and all are a lot of fun, and very cool. Pick the one that best fits your requirements. The RV-3 does it all for us (except burn Jet A....)

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I think the Panther will easily eclipse RV-3B kit sales as SPA gets their kit production ramped up. The Panther looks great, is apparently quite strong, reportedly handles very well, and is SUPER easy to put together. Dan has cut the parts count of the Panther down to an obscenely low number. We have a Panther going together in the shop next to my RV-3B rebuild. While I took over 40 hours to build an elevator for the RV-3B, my fiancee took less than a day to build an elevator for his Panther. It only has 8 parts-- on the side with the trim tab! He had the first wing mostly clecoed together in an afternoon. Drives me nuts to watch him. :D
I keep thinking about a Pitts S1 but you can buy a nice one for a LOT less than you can build one for.
The Bushby Midget Mustang is nice, too, if you're looking for a lower priced 'buy' rather than build. I've never flown the single seat, but the M-II's fly a lot like RV's if they're built straight. The single seat wing panels are the outer wing panels on the II.

I really enjoyed building and flying my RV7A, but sold it a couple of years ago once I changed to a 'live half time in CA' schedule. A few months ago I got the building bug again and started looking around. I wanted to build something different from what I had done before (so not a 7 or 8). I really considered an RV-3 but didn't want something quite so scratch build.

Eventually I decided on a Waiex because with the turbo engine and the aerobatic ailerons it has performance very similar to an RV3 (i.e. no passenger for acro, similar rate of climb). The plans are supposedly very good and it is a bit more scratch build than a 7 but a lot less scratch build than a 3. I think of think of it as "an RV3 with benefits".

Just in case this helps your investigation...

Take a look at the CX4. It's VW powered, but I'm hoping to see someone do an A65 version someday. It can be open cockpit and enclosed. Really a cool little plane. We had one at our airport for a while, and I wanted it bad!
I really like the Panther and sat in one at SNF.
I really liked the fit. I also discussed the option of using Superior's new Gemini 100 hp Diesel engine. They are in discussions about building a mount for it.
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About eight years ago, I suggested to Van's that they build a folding-wing single seater. My hypothesis is that everyone needed two airplanes but one hangar. An RV-10 family hauler and a single seater for 'fun'. The ability to fit it into an existing hangar would dramatically lower ownership costs.

Van's response was that they hardly sold any RV-3 kits, so there was no market for it.

I think the Panther (and Cougar) will fill this niche nicely and lower the total cost of flying, to everyone's benefit. Oh... And Van's doesn't have to build it... They can just buy the company. If they need an M&A advisor, I'm available... I did this for a living and kind of miss it.

He had the first wing mostly clecoed together in an afternoon. Drives me nuts to watch him. :D

Clearly you need to "ask" him to work on your plane =)

About eight years ago, I suggested to Van's that they build a folding-wing single seater. My hypothesis is that everyone needed two airplanes but one hangar.

^ This! I tried to explain this to the wife that two planes make more sense.. She gave me the eye roll of doom.. Gonna have to keep working on her..
The Sonex OneX is a folding wing and may be my next project with the -7A is done.
Have you looked at the Silence Twister?

There has been an asking for a pre-punched and LSA -4 option for quite some time as well. Haven't seen much news on it but the Cougar that the Sport Aircraft/Panther folks would fill that need as well. I know they fall short of being an 'RV', but for people needing that easy and efficient 2nd airplane they look like they'd be the ticket. Option for TW or Tri-Gear on both Cougar/Panther, both folding wing, and option for a Sport Wing/LSA wing.
I know they fall short of being an 'RV', but for people needing that easy and efficient 2nd airplane they look like they'd be the ticket. Option for TW or Tri-Gear on both Cougar/Panther, both folding wing, and option for a Sport Wing/LSA wing.

"Fall short of being an RV?" Did you mean to say, "are not an RV?" They could, in fact, be better than an RV in many ways.

OOOHH did I just say that on the RV forum?? :D
I sat in the Panther at SNF too. Very nice plane with lots of good ideas. I talked to the gentleman there and asked about the Cougar. Well, they're barely able to keep up with demand for the single seater, so the Cougar's on the back burner for now. Bummer... I am interested in it mainly for the folding wings. I love my 8 (wish it was a tailwheel though), but live in fear of losing my hangar. The airport's for sale. It sure would be nice to know I could take my plane home if I had to.